Health (986)


Came across this goat dewormer today while looking for poultry dewormer. It is WormGuard plus. It claims to be all natural, kill every type of parasite and so on. Anyone ever heard of it? Used it? It sounded a bit to good to be true to me.


Link wit

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Views: 88


I've recently had a friend from Georgia tell me that she has seperated her pasture off, so she can lime parts of it to kill parasites. I have never heard of this and didn't think you could put anything down to kill them. Anybody heard of this?

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Views: 176

Type of Ivermectin

I was just wondering what kind of Ivermectin people bought for thier goats? I usually get stuff from the vet, but lately it seems to be more a of hasel to get it from him. So I wanted to just buy some for myself at TSC. Do people buy horse? I know wh

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3 Replies
Views: 110

Sore Mouth in Goats?

Goose Girl has a small little bump on her lip. I immediatly thought of Sore Mouth, which out sheep have had in the past (none this year). Does anyone have any suggestions? Do you think it could be that or maybe a bug bite? Any thoughts? I know if goa

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2 Replies
Views: 70

How do you treat lice?

Hello everyone. After noticing excessive foot stomping and licking I have noticed that one of my does shed out heavily and now has some bald patches. I am convinced it is lice although I cant see anything. She does seem to be excessively scaley. We h

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5 Replies
Views: 382

Timed feeder?

I have been looking for a timed feeder that will hold and distribute grain at a time that you can set.  We have an auto feeder- without a timer- but don't use it since our picky little goats will not eat anything that sits out.  I feed grain twice pe

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6 Replies
Views: 99

Problems with worms

It has been so wet here in eastern NC.  I would even call it soggy.  We have had several inches of rain in the course of a couple of days.  We saw this type of soaking about a month ago as well.  I have noticed- both times- that worms (tiny, white on

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4 Replies
Views: 108


Ok- I have put a call into the vet and am waiting for a return call. One of the older goats still has the golf ball size- what I assume is an abscess. I also found scour in the house- again. This time it had tiny (1-2 mm) white- I assume- worms separ

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4 Replies
Views: 103

Sunburnt Goats!

Okay, so I am looking for some experinced goat people! - or novice! I have a goat who has a white back and every year she sunsburns really really bad. We have not shade out here, besides the shade her spools provide, and even when there is shade fro

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9 Replies
Views: 642
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