I've been trying to sell goats since september with no takers. Currently I have 11 goats and I need to get back down to 5, as I recently discovered my county only allows me to have 5!
So it's very important that I sell goats as soon as I can.
Could someone here explain what all the initials and number from a linear appraisal mean and what is poor, average, good and outstanding? I can't seem to find this info anywhere. A friend just sent me an email with the results from a local outstandin
Just wondering about our wether pictured here. He acts fine... sassy and sweet, but the hair around his eyes, ears, and the bridge of his nose seems to be rather thin. I don't remember it being this thin, and the rest of the herd doesn't seem to be e
I know that does can bleed a bit for up to 2 weeks after birthing, but how much blood is considered normal and when is it a concern? My doe kidded with 3 (2 bucklings and one tiny doeling who is doing well now) last Friday. Today she started bleedi
I have a FF with twins who I've been "practice" milking since she kidded, to get her used to it. It's worked out great. She stands beautifully, and has no problem with me handling her udder or teats. At first, for about maybe a week, she was letting
Hi, I am popping up all over with stupid questions. I am getting my first goats tomorrow: a doe, a wether, and a 3 month female kid. The wether and doe are bro/sis twins and he was included in the package from the breeder because she said he is ver
I have a doe in my herd who I thought was the queen. She decided when they went in or out, moved the others for her take of "the best" food, decided where they'd fold up and rest and so on. She was very subtle, mild mannered and diplomatic about her
i was wondering if dbl teats cause problems for milking? i have a lamancha/nubian she's big and looks like she's gonna have huge udder. she has your normal teat, then between the teat and her udder area, she has a smaller teat hanging. do you think t
For the third time in about a months time, my goat Beauty is lame on her front left hoof. She just stands in the stall and holds it in the air, looking at me like "Don't you care?". And I do care, but I'm not s
We have 5 kids (from different moms). One of the bucklings is 8 weeks today - he will be wethered on Friday and I'm wondering if I need to separate him from the doelings and does for those couple of days...ie how much liklihood is there that he woul
My doe Honey kidded at 11:30am today with one large buckling, one slight small buckling who was stillborn and one very tiny doeling. The large buckling is doing just fine, up on his feed drinking from mama Honey pretty much immediately. But the doe
Our little buckling Cappuccino (Cappy) is going to turn 3 months tomorrow.
He is healthy and happy, and we are planning to wether him with our goat-mentor/whisperer in the next 1-2 days. The method he always uses is to open the bottom
I have a concern. This is the first time after numerous disbudding this has happened... The doe runs away from her doeling and won't let her nurse. The doeling was born April 29 so she is about 2 weeks old nigerian dwarf and was disbudded this mornin
I just found out that the local high school science teacher is willing to teach me how, and let me use his classroom microscopes to look for worm loads in fecal samples! SUPER excited about this, because his microscopes are NICE. HOWEVER. I don't wan
I had no idea this was even possible, but a local breeder in my area has a buck that developed an udder! I wasn't exactly sure where to put this post because it didn't seem appropriate to post about it in the dairy section. She's a well respected bre
I'm posting this picture to help people on buckling disbudding as it is different from doeling disbudding.. You are supposed to do the figure 8. Well, myself and others could not visualize what they were talking about until I shaved the buds. Then I
You guys the craziest thing just happened. I was down doing night chores by myself. I went into the buck pasture to catch one of the young bucks who gets put up at night. When I walked into the stall, Miyagi was in there. He is now I guess about
I picked it up at TSC today to see if my goats would like it. It's $12 for a 40 pound bag here in FL. It says it is a mix of Timothy, Oat and Alfalfa hay and has some molasses mixed in to prevent them from inhaling
stayed up night with my pygmy doe . unfortunately she had delivered twins ... well when i bought her in mid jan 2015 they said she should deliver late feb early march latest. so when we didn't see any advancement in the process ,then we figured she
I acquired my two goats about 3 weeks ago and I tihnk I made a mistake. The seller/breeder may have not been on the level with me entirely, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. She told me that her computer was down and that she would mail the pa