I have a concern. This is the first time after numerous disbudding this has happened... The doe runs away from her doeling and won't let her nurse. The doeling was born April 29 so she is about 2 weeks old nigerian dwarf and was disbudded this morning. The other babies and does aren't having a problem. Any suggestions?
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Where I live in southern new mexico, goat people don't help each other. I found a lady that will help me contain her to get a supply of goats milk. A couple more weeks I will give her my cows milk and yogurt formula. I did do the mentholatum on nose and held her and the baby got about 15 seconds of milk and she kept smelling the baby's butt but the second I let go of her she bolted away from the baby, so I don't know if she even got milk. I think some may have gotten into her as her tummy isn't as flat as this morning. It's disheartening to see the baby go to other mama's for milk and be rejected by all :-(
Don't give up!! She will get the hang of it.
nope, baby refused bottle tried all yesterday and this morning.
No she was acting wierd last evening, this morning she's acting fine but acting scared to death of the baby. She didn't even smell her after the disbudding. Now to see if I can get the baby to take a bottle.
Any luck?
I hope so thank you!!
Depending upon her size, she'd need 4 to 6 ounces, four times a day at her age. Kids tend to be very persistent, and I think once the udder starts to get a little uncomfortable, the doe might be a bit more willing to let her nurse. Hope so! Good luck!
I don't understand, Deborah, why presenting the butt first she ran. I've done that with all the kids after disbudding. I've never had this problem with this doe and her kids before.
I put vinegar and saturated the doelings buds and it seems to neutralize the smell, it doesn't smell as strong. I put her back in the pen and locked it with the doeling inside. She still runs. I hope she starts nursing as I don't want to have to milk her and bottle feed. The doe will not hold still and fights me for some reason. She is not a FF and never did this with other kids. I'm not sure how many oz to feed the 2wk old doeling.
It happens every now and then, usually with first fresheners. Usually within a few hours, the doe will let the kid nurse again. Some people have tried things like putting Vicks Vapor Rub on the doe's nose, but I don't see how that helps. She's rejecting the kid because it doesn't smell like her kid. When some people disbud, they stick the kid under the doe so that the first thing she smells is the kid's rear end, which still smells normal. It has almost never happened around here, so I don't do anything special to try to prevent it. And the few times it has happened, the doe let the kid nurse again within 3-4 hours. You might just try holding the doe so the kid can nurse, at least for now.