
Hi, I am popping up all over with stupid questions.  I am getting my first goats tomorrow: a doe, a wether, and a 3 month female kid.  The wether and doe are bro/sis twins and he was included in the package from the breeder because she said he is very close with the doe and she didn't want to separate them. 

Is it fine to keep him in with the does (and still when I start to get a few more)?  Is there anything I need to know about wethers?  

He is the friendliest little guy and I assume he will just be a cool pet.  

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  • I have one queston to add to her's.  I have two wethers in with my 3 does.  They are good at letting me know if the does are in heat. Now all my does are pregnant and I am wondering if it is still a good idea to keep them together? The one wether likes to remind my newest doe who is boss quite frequently and I am worried about when the kids get here.  Is it ok to have the wethers in with the new kids?    My boss wether will jump fences to get back to his girls.

  • You can use straw or wood shavings. Straw is warmer and less expensive, but you usually have to buy it directly from a farmer. Wood shavings are available at every farm supply store out there. A few farm stores also carry straw, but they charge a lot more than farmers. You definitely don't want bare concrete, because once they start pooping and peeing on it, it will be disgusting and slippery, and your goats will wind up with poop and pee all over themselves.

    erica mathews said:
    Thanks Deborah.

    Can you tell me what you use for bedding? The pen in the barn I have ready for them has a cement floor...it doesn't look very inviting. I assuming I don't put hay down. Do you lay down bedding?

    Thanks for your help!
  • Thanks Deborah.

    Can you tell me what you use for bedding? The pen in the barn I have ready for them has a cement floor...it doesn't look very inviting. I assuming I don't put hay down. Do you lay down bedding?

    Thanks for your help!
  • It is actually a great idea to have a wether with your does, because they are not always aware that they're not real men, so when a doe is in heat, they'll let you know. Some are better than others, and not all of them are interested in does. It is an especially good idea to have a wether if you have to drive your does somewhere to be bred. If they're showing signs of heat but they're not letting him mount them, then they're probably not in "standing heat" yet, so you could keep a close eye on them, and when she stands for him, you know you won't be wasting a trip to the buck.
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