I'm getting two lamancha/nigerian cross girls, and just for fun, I searched my local craig's list to see what was there... (my girls are coming from two reputable breeders that I know, but I also kn
We have been using a block as the mineral supplements for our goats. Since the discussions here suggest that loose minerals are preferable to a block, we have used a chisel and hammer to knock off chunks from the block. We then pulverise the chunk, u
I have just been reading The Grazing Revolution by Allan Savory and am wondering about improving our grass using my goats and their moveable pen. Has anyone out there got experience managing grassland using goats? I'm wondering especially how I kn
I'm wondering if anyone here can clear up a question I have about internal parasites. I understand that part of the life cycle is releasing eggs, which then hatch, and eventually reinfect the goats via fecal-oral transmission. For this reason, rotati
My little ND doe freshened in January, I left her to her kids for about 6 weeks and then started separating them at night, we would milk her in the morning and turn the kids back out with her. We did this until the kids were weaned and then started m
Since I have not ever saw horn or scur growth I have no idea if they are or not. On the sandy colored one, first photo, one side feels very flat, and the other is almost flat with a ridge on the top. On the darker one, well lets just say they look ve
This book was discussed on one of the facebook groups. Absolutely, do not buy it or encourage anyone else to buy it! It is totally inaccurate, some of the things on one page only: Combs are vulnerable to frost. Weight is 50-175 lbs. Babies: one
Recently I've been asked a LOT about my movable pens, so I thought I'd start a discussion forum about this and help explain better, that way people have a place to refer to.
First off, here is a picture of my famous fence (thanks to my engineer dad
We have two doelings, 3 months and 12 days old. In all my reading I'm seeing that offering grain is something that many do, and even say that we must do. I have a friend who raises/breeds larger dairy goats (LaMancha and Nubian) and keeps Nigerians (
Okay, this is odd. Dancer was reaching over and pulling some hair off of Ginger a few days ago and thought nothing of it. I thought nothing of it that first time thinking she was just being a pill. I observed her doing it again and have several ti
My doe, Juniper, was bred on January 16, giving her a due date in about 5 weeks. She seemed to be changing and acting pregnant the first couple of months with changes in her behavior and food intake. However, now she doesn't seem pregnant at all. Her
I have a milking question. One of my does had one clump of a wax looking substance in her milk. She did not have a fever, looked great, udder felt fine, no ther symptoms. Vet said it could be normal but dump the milk. Next day 3 clumps of wax, but sa
Here's another post from a noobie. I have two doelings, one is half pygmy and one is full Nigerian and I am concerned that they are not growing fast enough. I've read through some older posts about growth rate and saw that some can grow slower based
I have two nigerian dwarf bucks, registered, 2 years old. one has horns the other scurs. They get along fine until rutt and I think we all know what that entails.
My questions is... My kidding this morning gave me a nice buckling and doeling regi
I am new to Nigerian goats and I understand they cycle every month all year round.. I have a buck that is with the girls.. I seen him breed one of them today.. I was wondering when the babies are born.. will they cycle again in month after having ba
I would appreciate some feedback here. Our family recently added two wethers (Lewis and Clark) to our quiver and would like some advice on supplements. The woman we purchased the goats from is a great source of knowledge and has been raising Nigerian
I have three Nigerian does they are doing well, but I am impatient for milk so I am looking at getting two Mini-Nubians (f1). They both recently kidded and are being milked with a henry milker twice a day. I am looking for advice on making the tran