Since I have not ever saw horn or scur growth I have no idea if they are or not. On the sandy colored one, first photo, one side feels very flat, and the other is almost flat with a ridge on the top. On the darker one, well lets just say they look very different and I don't know how to describe them. The whole front side looks to have a ridge. They were both burned at about a week old. How will I know if there are going to be scurs, and if they are growing when is it too late to try to reburn them? They are both about 6 weeks old. Do you think it is too late to try to burn them off?
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I opted to have someone to reburn them and I think they will be taken care of now. Just have to wait to see how they heal up.
It's really tough to figure out what I'm seeing in the pictures because there's no depth. Your description sounds like scurs. Once the scabs fall off, they should be flat. If you want to reburn them, however, it needs to be done ASAP, and I'd suggest having someone experienced do it.
It's been my experience with my bucks that even re burning didn't stop scurs. IMO, the hormones involved with being left intact make buck's horn growth very aggressive. I would say even a re burn will most likely not stop the growth of scurs. I have a buck that was re burned twice after his first burn, (for a total of three burns before he came to my farm at 8 weeks) and he still has scurs. He also happens to be my most "bucky" buck. I trim them once in a while, but otherwise, they're just there.
If you wanted to re burn, I'm not sure what the time frame is for doing that. Hopefully someone else like Deborah has better info on that part of your question.
Are these doelings, wethers, bucks?