I feed Elk Grove Milling Goat Pellets and Purina Goat Chow and my goats have a healthy nice coat and they are as playful as when I got them 3 months ago when they were 3 months old. The question I have is they haven't gotten any bigger since then, so
So I just found out from my friend, that Jackson is not coming to her farm. The lady has decided to keep her and sell his mom istead! My friend and I are not happy!!! So now I have no buck to breed Irena too!! I believe I caught her in heat on Sat ni
Piper my ND was (hopefully) rebred (after previous didn't take) on Sept 11th and now this morning I am shocked and hoping this is okay if not normal...one of her udders was really hard (never before) and I watched her lay down and it looked like she
My buck shamrock has a strange scaly, scabby area at the very bottom of his scrotum. I have no idea what it is or if I should do something about it. Here are a few photos of it. He wouldn't stand still, of course, so they're not great.
I need help!! One of our little 3 1/2 month old buckling who is still with mommy has had tiny drops of blood dripping from his penis. I have 3 other little bucklings and have never seen this. In fact not even with my older bucks.
I will be able and ready to get my very first ever goats at the beginning of the year when I retire. The way I have it set up now I will be getting a doeling and a buckling at the end of March / First of April. And an adult Doe a few months later a
We have our backyard fenced in sheep and goat wire 12.5GA 4 X 4
My two newly weaned kids will be coming in the spring. I am planning to use a corner of my existing fence and build on for their pen. I worry the 4 x 4 holes in this wire may be too big f
Hello, I would like to introduce myself and my new FB page. I am Christie McGinnis of Fuss-Budget Farm, New Market, Al. I hope to add Goats to my little farm after the first of the year when I retire. (@ 43 Yay me!!! but mostly my husband).
ok, now I think I have figured out to post....i have to admit, I am feeling like I have a new little human baby, I am always tired, I find myself asking extremely stupid questions cause nothing 'makes sense' even if it is written as clear as day....y
It's finally been snowing here in MN, so we have white and cold. For some reason, though it's sometimes hard to get myself out to do the chores, once I make it out the door, I LOVE doing the chores this time of year. The barn is relatively cozy, an
Do goats need to have a salt lick available to them? Right now all I have is a loose mineral and baking soda. Do I need anything else available to them?
I have a wether with a lump on the side of his jaw. Based on the location and the fact that it's not hurting him, my guess is that it's a salivary cyst, but if it's an abcess my understanding is that it's usually CL. I don't really have an area whe
I don't really have a spot for any bucks right now (nor do i want to tackle them yet) has anyone ever tried inseminating? just a thought for next year.
Is there a website or pictures of nigerians and the development of their horns. I mean, I've seen pictures of nigerians goats and they have huge horns... I figured that there must be a way to see year by year the size of their horns to determine a
As all goat owners know, looking at how we manage our herds in the way of health and well being for our animals can be a challenge. We all live in different areas and environments, which influences the nutritional needs of our animals.