Health (991)

Goat acting off

One of my two little doelings is acting a bit off. I called the people I purchased her from and they don't really think I should be that concerned but of course I am.

- this morning when I went out to change the feed and do my routines I noticed one

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6 Replies
Views: 202


This will depend on the results of my fecals...I was planning to run them today but the test tubes did not come so now I will do them tomorrow.  But if my Ivermectin cocktail still didn't work I am going to have to go to cydectin.  I know the margin

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25 Replies
Views: 1016

Bo-Se dosage please

The entire story.

Triplets were disbudded on the 24th.  Of course it was awful to see their pretty little heads as it always is.  Everything around here was fine, lots of jumping, hopping, running, etc.  Then Monday afternoon (the 28th), my littlest/

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7 Replies
Views: 791

False Udder?


I have a 9 year old doe that hasn't been with a buck for nearly 5 years  and lives nowhere near an intact male (nothing within 20miles). However, I noticed this week that she seems to be developing a udder. She's had kids before, so I've alway

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5 Replies
Views: 242

Doe with bad diarrhea

Hi doe Reba is not well.  She recently had her kids weaned off, the buck was sold and I moved her doeling to another pasture @ 8.5 weeks because she is a heavy milker and I left a single doeling on another heavy milker and she got so fat it

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2 Replies
Views: 259

kid mortality study

I wrote about the autopsy which was performed at a meeting of the local goat club in early May.

One of the other interesting items presented at that meeting was the results of a study conducted by the state (Victoria) agricultural veterinarian on the

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1 Reply
Views: 90


This morning while milking Starlight, I found she had a lump on her udder in the rear, about half way between the top of the udder and her teats, very near the medial, but to the right.  It's about the size of a marble, and there seem to be two much

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2 Replies
Views: 219
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