A comprehensive study on GMO in livestock food. Thought you might find this interesting.
I know we've all been concerned about this so I was glad to find this study:
Read more…I know we've all been concerned about this so I was glad to find this study:
Read more…Hi All!
Most of my goats are dry this winter with one bred because I just couldn't seem to resist another set of babies from my favorite milking goat.
Since most are dry - they are not getting any grain - just hay, some chaffhaye for treats, leaves
Read more…I've been noticing on my 2 year old doe's vulva is what appears to be powder, it looks like baby powder. It's been on their for a while, and it doesn't go away. Is it a sign of deficiency of something? Is it Selenium deficiency? California is a Selen
Read more…I'd like to hear from folks what brand grain they like to feed their goats? Any particular reason why one is favored? Does anyone make up their own grain mix? Does anyone feed the grain recipe posted by Sandy Lane Dairy Goats ( http://www.sandylan
Read more…If a human only needs a tetnus every 10 years, why would a goat have to be vaccinated every year for tetnus. I know some breeders give a CD&T for every little cut and scratch? Just curious.
Read more…I have 2 goats, I had 4 but had to sell 2. Anyways, I was wondering what type of Sweetlix mineral I should get for my goats, and how much per day, free choice?
They are both does, 1 is 2 years old, other is almost 8 months old. I plan on breeding th
Read more…The one doeling I have left has been crying for three days straight. And it's not like a little cry, they can hear her in China. And since she is crying it's making her mom cry. The only way I have gotten her to stop crying is with me standing out th
Read more…A friend just messaged me about her doeling born night before last. I have no idea how to help but maybe someone here does:
Deborah - I have seen you mention using free choice selenium. Was going to order some but wanted to ask if you have ever had them use too much. Is it not a concern that some would over use it, especially young ones or is it a pretty low dose? I
Read more…Today I tried giving my 4 does COWP via top dressing on grain and molasses. It turns out that they don't like the clumps of molasses! Maybe I put too much on the grain, but I wanted to make sure the COWP stuck. Anyway, only 1 of my 4 does ate it
Read more…I'd like to get a microscope and do my own fecal tests on my NGs. How can I get more information on how to do this? Is there a procedure written up somewhere? Any references? what power microscope is needed? Any slide prep? Is there any place I
Read more…Does anyone use Cydectin? We picked up a sweet Boer wether we met at our county fair and he is on monthly Cydectin dosed at 1 ml per 10 lb. Wondering if this would work for our Nigerians so everyone is on the same thing?
Read more…Hi all! I have a cute little barn for my goats with an attached high fenced in area on side. I have no LGDs so this has worked safely and well enabling the darling goats to have lots of airflow at night. Daytime- they have access to their fields all
Read more…Here is an excellent resource for determining body condition in your goats. It is so challenging to describe how to determine body condition, and this PDF includes drawings and pictures with the explanations, so that you should be able to more easily
Read more…http://www.rodalenews.com/goat-herbicide
I'm glad they are doing this but am concerned about the previous toxins in the soil that are now in the weeds the goats are eating.
Read more…Our does had their first kids this spring and we kept one doeling and her brother. We neutered the buckling at 8 weeks with the "ritchey nipper" (recommended on the Fiasco Farm site). His left testicle shrank as expected and the right kept growing. W
Read more…She's 4 months old and still nursing her mama. She weighs 45 pounds! Should I take away all grain from her? She only gets a little morning and night when the mama's are on the milk stand and the kids get a small bowl. I don't think she ever eats more
Read more…This morning my 9 month old buck is acting "off", lethargic and obviously not well. His eyelids are deep pink, poop normal, and is peeing fine. I just took his temperature and it is 105.7! I called my vet but he is out of town. I do have pen-G, shoul
Read more…One of my two little doelings is acting a bit off. I called the people I purchased her from and they don't really think I should be that concerned but of course I am.
- this morning when I went out to change the feed and do my routines I noticed one
Read more…Just joined this forum and this is my first post. I have 3 Nigerian Dwarf does who recently had 2 kids each. We have a small pasture area that we are preparing to let them into once the kids are a little bigger. It has a lot of California poppy's and
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