Health (991)

Lung worm - source?

I've been searching the old posts trying to learn where lung worm comes from and have not been able to find it.  This came up because the people who bought Summer's triplets were just told that the youngest has lung worms and scarring on her lungs fr

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7 Replies
Views: 298

Lots of dandruff

I have a goat that has really dry flaky skin. She's lost a lot of hair on her face as well. I don't see any bugs and she doesn't act itchy. I thot maybe it was a copper problem so I gave her copasure in Oct. Would it be a Zinc deficiency? Or somethin

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9 Replies
Views: 1189

Kelp choices

I was looking at the different types of kelp you all use.  For a couple years now I've used a lovely Atlantic kelp from Maine - my goats loved it.  And do love it.  It is approved for organic growers and is straight kelp.

My feed store got in some Th

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3 Replies
Views: 250

Crusty bumpy legs

Hi everyone, my goats are doing well, but missing the vegetation that is around in the Spring and Summer. Question for you all: my four wethers are healthy and just got their deworming and immunizations. We found one lice on Frankie, but the rest we

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1 Reply
Views: 90

Spent Brewers Grain

I wanted to ask everyone what their thoughts were on feeding spent brewers grain.  We are fortunate to have an artisan brewer as our neighbor who is happy to offload a seemingly endless fresh supply.  In June I started regularly feeding them various

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6 Replies
Views: 2045

Cocoa's firm bag..

Help!  I'm wondering if I need to be worried, but the right side of Cocoa's bag is a bit firm, which is not usual, and she seems a bit sensitive during milking the past few days.  Today was the first day I noticed a difference in her bag.  Milk is fi

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1 Reply
Views: 97

Trembling Goat

Does anyone have any thoughts on what might cause trembling in a goat?

A little background.  We have 4 does, 1 buck and 1 wether.  The goat that is trembling is my youngest and weakest goat.  She is the bottom of the pecking order, always has been, a

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19 Replies
Views: 1306

Disbudding and Scurs

I've read through some of the older posts and I just want to make sure that I know all of my options here. I am adopting a 3 year old doe (who was disbudded as a kid) and her two kids (a buckling and a doeling) who are 9 weeks old and have not been d

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10 Replies
Views: 195
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