My 10 day old doeling, Glimmer started coughing last night and has a bit of a runny nose. She is eating, peeing and pooping fine. She isnt coughing constantly just right after she eats. What could this be and what can i do to help her?
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Thanks so much, Deborah, for getting back with me. January was a very busy month for me. I had 5 does kid between Jan. 9th and the 19th. So far we have 4 doelings and 6 bucklings. Glimmer is growing real well and I do think that she was just having dust issues. I have 5 more does to go. Some are due in a couple weeks and the others are due at the end of Feb. and beginning of March. The vet tech i use visited last Thursday and disbudded and tatooed the babies. I also had blood drawn for CAE testing. She said that they are all healthy and look so good. I want to thank you because on one of the posts you mentioned Sweet Lix Meat Maker minerals and I started using them and I couldn't believe the difference it made. So far, all of my first fresheners are giving me multiples (which I was Not expecting...LOL) anyway, thanks so much for this site and also your book: Raising Goats Naturally. I refer to the book often.
Goats don't get colds like humans do. There are a variety of respiratory ailments they can have, but if it only happens after "eating" then it's probably not anything infectious. Sounds like you only saw this a couple of times, so it's nothing to worry about. Dust can cause goats to sneeze, cough, and have a runny nose and/or eyes.
Sorry, I was just now able to get online. Glimmer has a runny nose with clear discharge. She was coughing but just a little not an aggressive cough. She has also been sneezing but not constantly. She is a bottle baby that is 10 days old. It seems like a cold. She is eating an eliminating fine. Her symptoms started last night and this morning and by this evening she seems to be doing better.
When you say coughing right after she eats, do you mean hay or grain or nursing? Does milk come out of her nose? If so, run your finger back on her palate to see if it's open near the back of her mouth. Goats can be born with cleft palates just like humans.