Opinions wanted about deworming

I have a doe who is anemic and thin.  Poop normal, coat is in good condition but taking a while to shed out, and hooves seem softer and weaker than they should be.  No fish tail or fading.  Normal appetite.

I give COWP every three months, as well as having Manna Pro minerals out free choice at all times.  They have been getting chaffhaye and Purina goat chow on the milk stand twice a day.

When I checked eyelids and saw how pale hers were (extremely) I gave an herbal dewormer for 4 days, then gave COWP (3 grams to a 50 pound doe) on the fourth day (day before yesterday).  Yesterday her eyelids were still pale.  I did a fecal and didn't see much on the slide.  Actually ran it twice.  Saw 2 cocci, 2 eggs that looked like tapes, a few stomach worm eggs, that's it.  I decided that since her eyelids weren't improving  I'd give her a chemical dewormer anyway.  I gave her Safeguard.

Since I saw a couple of tape worm eggs, should I use it for 3 days?

How long until I should see more color in her eyelids?

Thanks! :)

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  • Thanks, Deborah.  I'll keep checking, and make a note for the ten days. :)

  • Tapeworms do not cause anemia, so you should see an improvement with only one dose, if it works for barber pole (haemonchus contortus) on your farm. If she gets better temporarily, then a second dose at ten days would be the standard practice to eradicate that worm. You should see some improvement in color within a couple of days.
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