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3-4 Month Olds

Anyone willing to post some pics of their ND babies at 3-4months old? That's what I'll be getting and would love to see the size they are at that time. Preferably something that shows some scale... THANKS!

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3 Replies
Views: 147

Feed Supplements to Hay

Hey all - What are you all using as supplements to hay for feed. I've heard some use Alfalfa Pellets(w/Kelp). Goat Minerals? I have a Tractor Supply near me as one source. Could someone post some links to products they use? Newbie here...

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Views: 171

Separating my Buck

I have two does that are pregnant, and one buck.  Does should kid around January 12th. My goats are together in a 32'x32' fenced enclosure. They all seem to get along fine. 

The question is do I need to put him in his own pen and if so why is that?

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Views: 2072

Hay Consumption

Hey all, hard to find a straight answer on this. Approximately how much hay can I plan on needing to feed 2 ND goats per day/week/month? I'll be getting a 4 Month Old Doe & Wether next Summer.

What's the average consumption amount. Without pasture gr

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Views: 337

Mud in vagina?

One of my does is in heat today, so I left her and a buck alone outside while I did chores this morning.

When I put her back with the other girls, I saw that her vulva was COVERED in mud.  There was also a bit of white discharge, so, knowing the buc

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5 Replies
Views: 774

Goat bloat

My 3 1/2 month kids have bloat. The vet has seen them twice and given them several medications, including baking Soda, goat bloat, pro biotics nutrient supplements and more. Nothing seems to make any difference. Anyone have a suggestion?

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12 Replies
Views: 968


I am planning on how to build my fence to keep the goats safe but I am not sure what to do about the bald eagles. How do you keep them from taking the kids, do they stay away because of the adults? I have several nest in the woods behind my house and

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Views: 91


I have talked to a breeder for over a month she never mentioned a deposit. I was origanally getting a grade from her then she said the doe was not mature enough so instead told me I could get a purebred for the same price. I was very excited and have

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Views: 60

Cajeta = Heavenly!

Oh my goodness, I made a batch of cajeta (goat milk caramel sauce) today and it is amazing! It's so complex, creamy and not overly sweet. It certainly wasn't hard to do and it only needs a few ingredients. Though it did take a couple of hours and nee

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3 Replies
Views: 100

Overachieving left side

Hey all- in the past few weeks, my doe's left side of her udder has started producing almost three times the amount of her right side.  Overall, milk production has gone up slightly so it seems that as the right side has become slightly less producti

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5 Replies
Views: 184

Doe Hormones and Breeding

Our doe went into heat over the past 2-ish days so yesterday, we took a quick field trip to have her bred.  We aren't positive the buck was successful but she was certainly cooperative!  My question is: how quickly should her hormones change?  She is

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Views: 122