All Discussions (4289)

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Bolusing question

I've searched high and low and I can't find a good answer. My goats have figured out that I hide copper boluses in oatmeal/peanut butter treats and they refuse them now. I tried top dressing the grain and dribbling a bit of molasses on it but that's

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Views: 100

What happened?!!


I'm having trouble milking a goat and would appreciate some advice. She delivered a still born 3 weeks ago. On this website I learnt that the milk for 2 weeks is colostrum, so since I have no freezer, we just milked her and didn't catch it. We mi

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3 Replies
Views: 147

Walking goats

So with the layout of our farm where we will be building the goat housing/holding area (this will primarily be for night time and those rainy days when the goats will not go out on "pasture") and one of the main browsing/grazing areas (overhead power

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Views: 165

Goat horns

Hi there I have an almost 3 year old buck who has not been de-horned (we are in Africa, they need their horns!).  However, his horns are growing down into the skin at the back of his head.  The vet said maybe he got a bash on the head when he was lit

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Views: 293

Sores on udder

I recently took possession of a 11 year old doe with a kid. She had a rough kidding on Dec 7, one live and one was hung and was eventually got out dead. The previous owner doctored her with pen g and cmpk for milk fever. With everything that went on,

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Views: 1243

Sweetlix Mineral

I have been giving Sweetlix Meat Maker to our does for about five years now. Shame on me, but I just recently discovered a Sweetlix mineral designed specifically for dairy goats. In doing a little research, some still prefer the Meat Maker even for t

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3 Replies
Views: 1019


Hi everyone! My name is Julia, I'm new and am very excited to be apart of this forum. I have 4 ND Does - a 5 year old doe (in milk), a 4 year old pregnant doe (Due in April) and two almost 2 year-old does (sisters) -see profile picture- I am looking

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7 Replies
Views: 113

Getting 7 month olds

The breeder I am currently talking to about getting my first set of Nigerian doelings plans on keeping them until they are about 7 months old. They will be born in March and I can buy them in September. He is doing this because it works best for his

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4 Replies
Views: 76

Pregnant Does and Cats

I have a 4 year old pregnant doe. I was wondering if it's unhealthy to have a cat around her while she's pregnant. Tahoe (our cat) loves coming into the barn with me in the morning to get a saucer of milk and visit with the Girls. Has anyone had prob

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Views: 105