Interesting Goat Behavior

I was watching my does this morning, (they didn't know I was watching them) and I saw some really unusual behavior. Daphne, the dominant doe, walked up alongside Juniper and laid her head on Juni's shoulders. Not really over her shoulders, but pressed against them. Juniper just stood there and I figured Daphne was showing dominance. But after a few moments Daphne closed her eyes and appeared to go to sleep that way. Juni continued to stand there until Daphne moved.  Then later I saw Daphne rubbing her head all up and down Juniper's sides and neck, and Daphne is NOT an affectionate goat. I'm guessing that was scent marking, although I don't know why Daphne went to sleep!  

Has anyone else seen their goats do this?  Could the fact that it's a cold day and/or Juniper being pregnant have anything to do with it? After all, Juniper is likely carrying Daphne's grandkid! LOL

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  • I guess I should have said it's unusual for Daphne. It really is so cute. 

  • It's not that unusual. It seems to happen more when they're hormonal, such as in heat or pregnant. It's really cute when they wrap their necks around each other like they're hugging. 

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