I had stool samples checked this week and found that "Elsa" who has the heart condition is 1+ for coccidia. Because of her health condition vet recommended that I treat her with Sulfa--I started that TX yesterday.
I was wondering if a doe's estrus pattern can change after kidding. Juniper is a seasonal breeder, and the past two years she didn't start coming into heat until the end of September. Her cycles have been on the long side, at least 48 hours.
I got some new selenium/vitamin E which I ordered on Amazon. It has added Zinc too and I was worried about my goats being zinc deficient as well. Well I got it today and they went CRAZY for it!! They all fought over it like it was candy. Really it wa
I'm looking for some ideas and inspiration on things to do with goats' milk. This is my first summer with a milker and aside from making my coffee delicious, I haven't done a whole lot with it. I'd love to try some cheeses, but with jus
Our doe Chloe, now 2 years old and a first freshener as of first week of August (2 kids), has a strange to us hair loss on her face. We didn't notice this last year and don't know if it is associated with her new role as a producer of milk, or if it
I am designing the small barn for what will be the goat and piggy home. We only plan to have three goats to start and two pigs. The pig side I'm all set on but what kind of floor is best for Nigerian Dwarfs? The local guys here around ElPaso all have
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried giving goats the water left over from cooking vegetables. If I don't save it for stock later, I always pour this water into the compost pile or directly on plants. But it just struck me that if a goat likes be
I've learned so much about my beloved goats from this part of their lives. I realize my experience with my two does and a wether is small scale, but it's been very valuable to me.
I'll start with my first freshener, Juniper. I've raised her since she
We are considering buying our first breeding buck this summer/fall to service our does. I would love it if some of you that have experience buying bucks, and breeding them, would give your two cents. I found this link (http://nigeriandwarfgoats.ning.
I have been hanging around this forum for many months and have learned so much from all of the questions on here and many knowledgeable answers. And simply enjoyed my time reading thru it all. So now I come to you all with a question about
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone here has experience using the equine paste Ivermectin. I suspect lungworm in my two Nigerian does and would prefer to treat with the paste since it is more economical than the injectable or drench. I am having a hard
I will be picking up my first two goats in the next week or so. I have an area already fenced with 39" field fence. I'm concerned that will be too short and I will be catching loose goats. The goats are going to be 4 months in a week or so, will they
I'm planning to start making some soap with milk from my Juniper. To get a general idea of what the butterfat percentage of her milk is, I kept a cup of it in my refrigerator for several days to see how much cream rose. I skimmed off a little over a
So I sold Juniper's 11 week old buckling Kip today. He screamed as he was loaded in the crate to leave. It just about ripped my heart out. He's gone to be a herd sire to Mini-Alpines, so he should be fine. Juniper was calling back to him so I expected
I have a couple of three month old wethers that are preparing to leave for their forever home. I'm already missing them! And, of course, have a few questions...
One is on feeding. They're mostly nursing right now and share an additional 1/