Have a baby that I have to tube feed. -(. It weighs 2 .2 lbs. fed it 1 1/2 ounce hour and half ago.
Told that too much. Help. Weak, kid, no suck reflex, all day. Breech birth with hock bent against pelvic of mom. Different birth for all!
Has anyone else had experience with Dansha Farms? I ordered a manual milker from them and the pump on it broke on the first use. It just snapped. So we called them and they said they'd send out a replacement pump. It arrived a couple of days later, p
Went out to the barn to milk this evening and discovered many of them had gotten into the feed room! Not sure how they got in (probably let in by our clever and sneaky wether) nor how long they were there, but 8 goats can do significant damage in 3
Hi! My name is Doreen. I own a small ranch in Drain, Oregon, where I raise Nigerian Dwarf and Nubian Dairy Goats and black and white Paint horses. I am a retired school teacher. I miss the human kids, but I am enjoying spending time with my 4-legged
This year, in January 2016 she aborted three bucklings two weeks before delivery. I saw this stuff hanging out of her and thought oh, she is in labor..It was ugly and it looked like afterbirth hanging f
Our doe kidded Sunday night(3 nights ago), and had triplet boys. The birth went well, but the first little guy, who seemed fine when he was born, has a rattle to his breathing. I think that he swallowed some of the birth fluid, beca
Hello! I have a question on expectations for a nursing doe. This is our first round with attempting to milk and both the doe and I are amateurs. I milked her a bit by hand last year -rather unsuccessfully (it was the first time for both of us), an
I recently ordered pregnancy tests through EmLab and I wanted to share my exciting results!! It's the only test to my knowledge that uses urine. You add one mL of urine to the tube and if it turns green-blue it's positive. If it stays yellow it is ne
I disbudded my two doelings yesterday and they were fine all day yesterday and even this morning but this afternoon, one of them is having a lot of pain and has puss on one side. She and the other doeling both have one swollen eyelid as well. They we
There are some strange appendages growing on our 3 ½ week old buckling kid (he’ll be a wether). I first noticed them when he was almost a week old. They are on his underside in his upper rib cage area near his front right leg. The largest one is almo
We are fairly new to Nigerian Dwarfs. We currently own 3. Our second goat just had a kid 2.5 weeks ago and we just sold it yesterday and started milking her.
Our first goat gave us a quart of milk each milking for the first 4+ months. We milked t
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I own a 2 year old doe that is very healthy and active. She is turned out for several hours a day on a grass and alfalfa pasture and she has free choice mineral and grass hay in her pen. The problem is that when I feel her ribs to check her weight, i
My doe had triplets 3 days ago-- ALL girls. But one baby who was born first and butt first breech was terribly weak at birth and try as we might we couldn't get her going. She just didn't seem to have the strength to breathe. The other two were fine
I just want to give a special shout-out to Ruth Goode for letting Willow and me tour her farm and see her kids! It's fun to put a face with an online profile, and her farm is such a sweet, pleasant place. We learned a couple new things to keep in min
Well, the "is she or isn't she" with Daphne was decided last night when she kidded completely unexpectedly. I noticed she had really bagged up in the morning but she was happy and content, eating well and no signs of discharge or distress. She was th
I have a question about the grain you all use for when you have a doe in milk. I have always used a goat ration #16 percent protein. I have friends that say you shouldn't use a prepared feed but use whole grains, such as Barley, and they add alf