I was reading an article about giving Copasure capsules, and the writer recommends removing food for 6 hours before bolus, and continuing to withhold food for at least 3 hours after bolus. The reasoning was that if food is in the rumen, it could tend
I purchased and picked up a 7.5 week old ND doeling on Saturday. I had been told by the owner that she was scouring when she had the bottle, so she took her off of it, and "she is thriving." She's not. She's thin, and when I gave her 3/4 c of milk sh
Well, within 10 minutes of starting to push, Juniper had a beautiful buckling! I am in awe of how strong she was. On the third push there was a big gush of water, then a huge bubble popped out. I could see the kid, and saw that his head and one foot
Now that I'm over the panic about my first kidding & helping my doe through anemia issues, I'm thinking about the future (though I know I've probably overreached my adding discussion quota for the week)! :-)
My Juniper has about 4 weeks left in her pregnancy. She's not terribly wide, so I'm guessing she'll have the typical first freshener singleton. Though she's not sticking out side to side much, I can't believe the changes in other parts of her body. F
Hi all! I have a Nigerian that is a bit over one year old and he started acting weird this morning. He kept laying down and then every once in a while he would stretch out while laying down. We moved him from our 3 acres where we let them roam into t
One of my mama goats is looking unthrifty. She acts fine and is nursing three kids who follow her incessantly. We started her on grain again since she delivered three weeks ago. She had a rather bloated looking belly yesterday, but refilling the b
So my doe, Chutney is due to kid next month and I'm going to need to get myself a disbudding iron. Back in the day I disbudded calves at the University of Connecticut so I'm familiar with the process (yet definitely out of practice), but
Hi all! I had one of my first fresheners kid last night--a healthy buckling that presented nose and one hoof first. She got him out quickly, but with a lot of effort! (She made sure we all knew about it, too.) Now that things are starting to tighten
I know all babies are beautiful but this year we are having some lovely ones. Healthy - bouncing and pretty colors also. This has been a good year. Two more girls to go.
Is this anything I should worry about, or is this just the body doing its thing? The delivery was uneventful, everything went great, she's eating, drinking, pooping, peeing--everything is fine except for the wet/dry blood I saw on the back of her ton
I was reading through several forum posts in the "Birth Announcements" section here last night, just to further prepare myself and pass the time while I wait for my first mama-to-be to kid. I saw a big discussion on the topic of feedin
Howdy ya'll,
Here is my girls info:
Born: 8/24/2011
Color: Black cou clair
1st freshener sense 5/25/2015
For the last 3 weeks she has been developing moisture on her back in the evening around 7pm. Whether she is in or outside the barn. We've been
Maple kidded last Thursday, 5 May with triplets. This is her 2nd freshening, and she's 3 years old. I was initially worried about the fact that kids were only staying on the teat for about 5 seconds at a time, but they are starting to increas
**CORRECTION: I must be REALLY tired, but I was looking at the kg. side of the scale and not the lb. side. These babies do not weigh 2 lbs. They weigh almost 5 lbs as of Day 3 post birth!