Milk Production - Nursing Doe

Hello!  I have a question on expectations for a nursing doe.  This is our first round with attempting to milk and both the doe and I are amateurs.  I milked her a bit by hand last year -rather unsuccessfully (it was the first time for both of us), and so this year invested in a little Henry Milker (love).  It's improved things drastically but I'd still love to know how we're doing on production.

She birthed twins at the very end of April and I've been separating them at night for the past month and a half or so -with occasional breaks- and milking each morning.  After an 8-10 hour break overnight, I get 1-1.5 cups of milk in the morning.  She's nursing the twins throughout the day as well.

It feels like a TOTAL milk windfall for me after last year's 1-2 ounces (heh..) but after seeing "quart a day" thrown around so often I'm curious as to where I stand with a nursing doe!  What kind of range do you all expect in this situation?

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  • In the scenario you are describing, I'd expect about 4 cups. Given your inexperience and the fact that you're using a small hand milker, I'm sure you are not actually getting her empty.
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