I am planning on how to build my fence to keep the goats safe but I am not sure what to do about the bald eagles. How do you keep them from taking the kids, do they stay away because of the adults? I have several nest in the woods behind my house and my chickens have several places in their run to hide do I need to set up places for the kids to hide will they know enough to hide. I am really stressed about this and I have not even got any goats. I have read about keeping them safe from dogs and coyotes and figured I have that taken care of. I am sure that there are other predators that I am not even thinking about but those are the most common. I have heard we have fisher here also but never seen one and will be looking to see what to be done to protect them from those. They will be locked inside a barn at night so I hope that would be enough to deter some.
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I've never heard of a bird of prey taking a kid. Not saying it couldn't happen, but Julianne makes a lot of great points.
From what I understand, the chance of predation from bald eagles is pretty low. Presumably you have a water source nearby and they'd much rather eat fish than anything else. I would think if you can just rig up a tarp or something that your goats can get under if they feel spooked it would be enough to protect them. There really is no 100% way of protecting your livestock from predation, but with reasonable precautions they should be fine. And if their pen is reasonably close to your house, the eagles will stay away. They don't like to be close to humans.