Home Dairy (352)

Milk brag!

2655726974?profile=originalI must brag about my Capri!  This is the first time I have let milk be here as long as a week.  When I started to give some of this to my kitty, I took a second look - methinks her butterfat is just fine!!!

This is as good as our milk cow we had when

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39 Replies
Views: 898

Milking Question

I am planning to have four to five does kid at the same time some day in the future, but I don't want to be milking more than two or three.  I'd like to choose the best two or three milkers and keep milking them.  If I dry off the others early will t

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6 Replies
Views: 118

Goat type question

Friends have full-size goats with the dad wanting to make and sell cheese.  Right now they have two adult does, one that just had a false pregnancy and the other they are starting to dry up.   They have either two or three kids (does) coming up as we

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Views: 27

Cheese problem

We used Ricki Carroll's book, Home Cheese Making, to make ricotta from whole goats milk using a 1/4 cup vinegar and it did not make much cheese.  It is supposed to make 2 pounds from a gallon. What did we do wrong?  We heated the milk to 195 and then

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Views: 90

Milking issues

Hey guys, this is my first year for milking. I am working on a doe right now who's kid was sold last week.

My first question is how do I go about teaching her to lead? I have to walk her about 100ft. to the milking stand and so far walking her on a l

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9 Replies
Views: 533

Brewer's mash?

Has anyone had experience with brewer's mash?

This evening, I picked up some brewer's mash from a friend which she got from a local organic micro-brewery for her hens.  I'm hoping Capri likes the mash. 

A man we knew years ago made a very nice living

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Views: 25

Milk production!

The doe I almost got rid of because she was giving so little milk last year, compared to my other one has become a keeper. I am weighing all the milk that comes into the house and she has managed to outshine the other two this morning! I am impressed

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Views: 127
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