Home Dairy (352)

Winter Milking Tips?

I had never really thought I would be milking in the winter, but I've learned that there are things about owning dairy goats that I can't fully plan.  I think I'm going to have at least one doe who isn't going to be so easy to dry off in the future.

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10 Replies
Views: 184

Problem Milker

I started milking my one doe over two weeks ago  when her kids were 7 weeks.  I've been separating them at night and milking in the morning.  The first week she did fantastic.  I was really pleased because she hadn't been hand milked in few years.  M

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6 Replies
Views: 150

Oregon Laws?

I once heard from a small breeder here in OR that if you have under 10 does then you can sell the milk w/ out a licence.. I would like to know if any other Oregon breeders know something about this, I would like to be able to sell some milk if I can.

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60 Replies
Views: 531

TIme to dry up?

Would like your input on whether or not to dry up Capri.  She is now averaging 1-1/4 cup per morning milking with evening milking from 1/8 to 3/4 cup.  At peak, she was averaging 1-1/2 to 1-2/3 cup (remember I started milking at two months, first tim

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Views: 57
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