Breeding (384)

Using Young Bucks

I was wondering if there is any reason to not use a young buck to breed a doe?  Will it hurt the buck?  Is there less chance of healthy kids being born?  Any reason not to do it?  If it is  not a good idea, what is the age that it is ok to use a buck

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Views: 135

Breeding Frequency

Myself and another NDG breeder were wondering today if you bred a goat every two years does it have an effect on their milk yield or health, we appreciate you can only milk a goat for a certain time would it then be o.k to give them a year off?

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Views: 54

Line Breeding

I am having a difficult time choosing my bucks and wonder if some of you who are experienced could give me some advice.  I did choose a 6 week old buckling who is polled and has championships in his pedigree as well as milk.  However, I need to choos

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Views: 1151


I have been milking a small doe that lost her babies and she has given us yummy milk for 4+ weeks. Her teats are so small I bought a maggidan milker and then finish by hand. it hasn't been a problem. However my easy milker kidded with triplets 2 week

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Views: 97

Castrating Questions

I couldn't find a category for this, so I thought this might be an ok place to ask.  If a buck is not going to be used for breeding, what age do you castrate him?  I've heard 4 weeks, I've heard 8 weeks.  I have a 6 week old that I will be keeping in

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4 Replies
Views: 1660

Breeding Behavior

Howdy everyone,


I brought in a buck tonite for my doe who I think is in heat.  She is the herd boss and is definitely putting him in his place.  He is not giving in, but I want to make sure this is normal behavior for mating.  He definitely is inte

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Views: 85

Pygmy/Nigerian Cross

 I don't know about other places but around here it seems that Pygmy and Nigerian is an interchangeable term for dwarf goats. They are two different breeds, though they look similar they do have their differences. Many around here also purposely cros

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Views: 460

Progeny Question

Someone I know is considering a doe that has the same buck in both sides of her pedigree.  He is a grand-sire on one side and a great-grand-sire on the other side.  This could be ok, except she has done a little research on this buck and his progeny

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8 Replies
Views: 56

Cystic goat

She's back in a raging heat and I suspect she is cystic.  How do I obtain the shots she needs to fix this problem?  I don't have a local vet or the money to travel and pay for one farther south. Any help would be appreciated.


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Views: 43

False Pregnancy in Goats

I had this posted on my blog, but Deborah suggested I move it over to the forum...


I was checking out this site because I have two "forever pregnant" girls and I had them tested to make sure they were pregnant and there weren't any problems.   I fo

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4 Replies
Views: 1247
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