Yes. I totally DID just Google "vulva changes in pregnant goats" and ask my 11 year old to take photos of goat cooch. lol I'm starting to HOPE that Ginger really IS settled like I originally thought, and will kid in June. I'm prepping for it like she IS pregnant. And driving myself crazy. lol
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LMAO, Rachel you are a total nut case girl. Actually, you aren't the only one! I have been reading through all this old stuff about signs of heat etc. since I am starting my breeding over for who ever was left out, missed, didn't settle or whatever earlier in the year and I swear I have laughed so hard out loud at this discussion I bet my neighbors heard me.
I want to know if you have finally learned what you needed to know yet, because I need the encouragement that I will eventually GET this down! I have spent most of the day looking at COOTERS as ya'll might say trying to figure out if what I am seeing is heat discharge, buck overflow or what!
I have at least one girl that has been getting pretty thick so I thought she might be pregnant who is out there in the pen with Oak flagging up a storm and loving all over Quill in the next pen through the fence panel. The two of them seem obsessed with each other and I can't change the pen because I don't know if Oak has already bred her. If he didn't I think I will let her pick who she wants next time.
Quill has one doe in the pen with him that is wet and once when I was watching she coughed a couple of times and each time she did she literally dripped. So, I am trying to decide is that just from her, or had he just NAILED her and that was overflow coming back out!
What I did was put all the ones that had been previously exposed in with the buck they had been with early this year to see how they acted and after 3 days of this so far, most of them with Quill do not seem to be doing anything except the one who is dripping and she was NOT exposed until now.
I don't think at this point that Oak' girls got pregnant earlier in the year but he was only 6 months back then. Although he had seemed interested, we never saw him do the deed. So I guess all 3 of his are still up for grabs at this point. If things don't work out this month then I think I will give one more each month to Quill until Oak figures it all out. He may just have to wait til next year to get serious. But I doubt it cause he is 11 months he should be catching on by now. I am a little afraid that it is because he is still pretty short and quite fat!
LMAO I like cooter. I was just thinking today, I think I'm going to take a photo a week until she kids just in case she really IS pregnant, and then I can share them on line for other weirdos like me that Google goat vulva. lol
Jackie K said:
OMG Rachel you are TOO funny! And we are a lot alike! When I would be waiting for a mare to foal I would know more about her vulva than any normal human should. I am quite sure that I will be as bad when I start breeding my goats. Tho being something of a redneck hippie, I call it a "cooter".
OMG Rachel you are TOO funny! And we are a lot alike! When I would be waiting for a mare to foal I would know more about her vulva than any normal human should. I am quite sure that I will be as bad when I start breeding my goats. Tho being something of a redneck hippie, I call it a "cooter".
She's def. NOT a FF... At least ONE of us has been to this rodeo before... lol I think her udder MIGHT be changing... but it's not big enough YET to be sure... She has a little over four weeks, and IF she's not pregnant, she's due for a heat cycle next week. SO... lol Here's hoping!! lol @Kare, Here's to JUNE BABIES! @Julia, thank you!! She not QUITE as red as the photos make her look, but she really is a pretty one. I wish she were into scratches more... but that's another thing that makes me wonder... she's been a lot more lovey to me... @Kimberly "You've got to be KIDDING!!!" ::snort:: you said KIDDING. lol On a GOAT site. heh.
Ditto what Kare said, but it is my first kidding! I think they can control it, she was starting to have contractions yesterday when the tornado crew came by to clear the power lines. Figures! I live in the Boonies with only 4 other farms, and the ONE day I absolutely need quiet, we have 40 foot boom truck circular saws and commercial chippers going on my dirt road! Poor girl was just looking at me with a goatie, "You gotta be kidding!" look...
P.S. You're lucky the goat searches aren't like dog searches. Last year I thought my long haired dog had clogged anal sacs. A Google search resulted in more porn sites than info on how to clear the problem! I would think that the vulva search would've been even worst! That's embarrassing!
Love your doe's color. I know it's improbable I'll get anything brown, but would love to!
I'm with you, Rachel =) My doe that was due possible in March, possibly in April, possibly in May or possibly in June has not kidded yet and I am going crazy too and this is not my first time, but I have always had a general idea within a few weeks of when the due date was! However, her udder changed about 3 weeks ago around the time I had given up on her and put her in with a buck, and I *think* she is now getting wider <grin> so I am hoping for June! Hopefully we'll both have kids in June...
In the back end? I know she will... just not sure how soon. She still has a month, and I just started noticing that things might look a bit more pronounced than they did... starting to look like some of the does due to kid any day... only of course smaller... I just thought MAYBE that was a good sign!? lol
LMAO, Rachel you are a total nut case girl. Actually, you aren't the only one! I have been reading through all this old stuff about signs of heat etc. since I am starting my breeding over for who ever was left out, missed, didn't settle or whatever earlier in the year and I swear I have laughed so hard out loud at this discussion I bet my neighbors heard me.
I want to know if you have finally learned what you needed to know yet, because I need the encouragement that I will eventually GET this down! I have spent most of the day looking at COOTERS as ya'll might say trying to figure out if what I am seeing is heat discharge, buck overflow or what!
I have at least one girl that has been getting pretty thick so I thought she might be pregnant who is out there in the pen with Oak flagging up a storm and loving all over Quill in the next pen through the fence panel. The two of them seem obsessed with each other and I can't change the pen because I don't know if Oak has already bred her. If he didn't I think I will let her pick who she wants next time.
Quill has one doe in the pen with him that is wet and once when I was watching she coughed a couple of times and each time she did she literally dripped. So, I am trying to decide is that just from her, or had he just NAILED her and that was overflow coming back out!
What I did was put all the ones that had been previously exposed in with the buck they had been with early this year to see how they acted and after 3 days of this so far, most of them with Quill do not seem to be doing anything except the one who is dripping and she was NOT exposed until now.
I don't think at this point that Oak' girls got pregnant earlier in the year but he was only 6 months back then. Although he had seemed interested, we never saw him do the deed. So I guess all 3 of his are still up for grabs at this point. If things don't work out this month then I think I will give one more each month to Quill until Oak figures it all out. He may just have to wait til next year to get serious. But I doubt it cause he is 11 months he should be catching on by now. I am a little afraid that it is because he is still pretty short and quite fat!
Jackie K said:
OMG Rachel you are TOO funny! And we are a lot alike! When I would be waiting for a mare to foal I would know more about her vulva than any normal human should. I am quite sure that I will be as bad when I start breeding my goats. Tho being something of a redneck hippie, I call it a "cooter".
I am still laughing....
Ditto what Kare said, but it is my first kidding! I think they can control it, she was starting to have contractions yesterday when the tornado crew came by to clear the power lines. Figures! I live in the Boonies with only 4 other farms, and the ONE day I absolutely need quiet, we have 40 foot boom truck circular saws and commercial chippers going on my dirt road! Poor girl was just looking at me with a goatie, "You gotta be kidding!" look...
P.S. You're lucky the goat searches aren't like dog searches. Last year I thought my long haired dog had clogged anal sacs. A Google search resulted in more porn sites than info on how to clear the problem! I would think that the vulva search would've been even worst! That's embarrassing!
Love your doe's color. I know it's improbable I'll get anything brown, but would love to!