Anyone with experience with bully goats. I started my herd with 2 young bucks (one wethered, one not). I have since added 2 does. The girls are older so a bit bigger, the boys are barely 6 months). The boys get along great (they are brothers), and ge
So I just recently bought 2 does. The lady who sold them to me said that they have already likely bred with the buck she had on site, however, she only has one witnessed account of mounting. We just bought our homestead and I am brand new to
Does anyone have any information regarding the use of moringa as a feed option for goats? Is it safe for them? I am growing my own for personal use, and have read that it can be fed to cattle and the result has been an increase in weight gain and h
Ok here we go
What do you use for a 9 week old goat that has a few worms in his poop pellets?
I see that there are various products out there
But not surewhich one would be the best
Seems to be 3 or 4 different ones at tractor supply
The worms look a
So glad there is this forum! I am new to goats but so excited about my new venture into the home dairy farm. I have a small herd of 4 right. I'm currently having an issue with one very mean and aggressive doe, I hope some of you
I've had my NDs since January of this year. Cayenne was bred late January and kidded in June. Except for one that died last winter all of my goats have been very healthy except for Cayenne who seems to be almost chronically copper deficient. She also
HI all, I'm on the west coast of Canada in the beautiful province of British Columbia. We have a mixed farm with 8 ND goats, and one more to come in December. We have been raising these lovely animals for just over a year now and just adore them! Our
I'd like to get a microscope and do my own fecal tests on my NGs. How can I get more information on how to do this? Is there a procedure written up somewhere? Any references? what power microscope is needed? Any slide prep? Is there any place I
Okay, folks, a buck was advertised that I was interested in breeding one of my girls to. I had sent the link to my goat person who noticed something I did not. Now I am wondering how common this is: "Doe kid only service memo will be provided for
My goats need a lot of copper and I copper bolus. My does recently got done and needed it - I was behind in their needs as I think they increased their needs due to pregnancy and lactation.
One baby in particular was much darker when he was younger
Lovely and correct doeling. She is a long, level girl with strong milking genes. Her dam is also for sale as I am retaining her other doeling from this past spring. We're a new herd but focused on staying true to proven dairy bloodlines and improving
Anyone aware of buck service in or near Roseburg, OR? I am selling a doe and the buyer is looking for a smaller buck for her in a couple months. She is little over a year.
We just relocated from the west coast over to Western Massachusetts along with our 4 Nigerian Dwarf does. They are thriving here in the hill country. But I've run into an unexpected problem. I am having difficulty finding a buck for service that i
I noticed one of my doelings has a cloudy eye... and the area closest to her eyelids is very irritated looking. I think she has pink eye. I googled... because I couldn't remember what I needed to treat with. Terramycin ointment is the answer I found.
Hi, I am new to Nigerian Dwarfs. I have registered fainters and a Nubian. We have had goats (to include Boers) for about 8 years now. Luv the little critters!
I picked up these 2 little silky Nigerian Dwarf does without papers....several ownership
I'm doing final edits on my book, which means checking references, so I'm coming across all the stuff I've read. Here is the abstract of the research article on top dressing vs bolusing copper oxide wire particles:
First of all, let me say how grateful I am for the information on this site. I have had Nigerians for a couple of years and actually had forgotten about this forum (sadly!). We have lost one buckling and have one more not doing well and it was during