I keep thinking about Deborah describing the difference to us between fat/preg. .
I realize that today is only July 1st and my goat who was pasture bred & due in June, but I also keep thinking of how huge she was when I saw her on March the 3rd. Tha
Sweetie and Celeste are sisters, two of triplets, born April 6th of this year. They are very healthy, with a bit of extra weight if anything, as they have been with their mom during the day till just two days ago when I had to separate them in order
Here are a few gift ideas for the goat lovers in your life!
All of these items are available at Amazon, and when you click on the link and purchase the items, the group will earn a very small commission to help pay the bills around here.
Okay...this goat is going to be the death of me LOL I can NEVER tell this pooch and vulva with her. Here is some pics. Opinions.....she was potentially bred sept 1 which would be 98 days today if she is pg. what do you think? these pics are the best
My friends 18 month old is still nursing. She appears pregnant from a breeding over a month ago. Owner is worried developing babies might get too fat- any comments? Wean, don't worry, etc. I don't think the mother of the 18month old was bred. Thx!
Last weekend, Summer, my four-year-old doe (still milking after April kidding) was very definitely in heat. However, she is showing signs of heat again today and is quite moist. I took her yearling daughter (Dancer) today to be bred - she was defin
My 8 month old doeling (almost 9) is still nursing, even though i don't think she's getting anything. She even came into heat. She only nurses when she gets scared . I was just wondering how to wean her, she is very attached to her mother, they both
I've been reading what has been posted about meningeal worm and fear that I now have my second case of this nasty worm on my hands. I have 7 goats. Eve, our doe 2 years ago, 4 months after her first kidding showed all signs on meningeal worm. We trea
My doe had a thick white plug in her vulva (indication of heat?) This time she did not cry out like before when in heat. I put her in with the buck. She didn't "stand" like she has before, but she did allow him to penetrate (he pushed) and (she tu
looking for some advice, sadly one of our goats delivered an early kid this week. It was not fully formed so I presume it was early (we bought them when they were pregnant and the seller didn't know when they were due). She usually deliv
yes, its true, I'm actually in Nigeria! Just arrived in August (from Ireland) and we have 2 acres of land and couldn't resist the adorable little goats! We currently have 2 pregnant females and hope to milk them - although funnily enough,
I was hoping someone could help me figure out what is wrong with my almost 4 year old buck. All of the sudden he has a thin clear discharge coming from his penis all the time. His belly is always wet. I immediately thought of urinary
I wanted to ask everyone what their thoughts were on feeding spent brewers grain. We are fortunate to have an artisan brewer as our neighbor who is happy to offload a seemingly endless fresh supply. In June I started regularly feeding them various
I am sure you have read all my other questions....here's one more.
I am new to registered goats and am acquiring a small registered herd. I would like to (if it is a benefit, and in accommodating buyers) be triple registered. What are the pros and
Hi all!
I have a cute little barn for my goats with an attached high fenced in area on side. I have no LGDs so this has worked safely and well enabling the darling goats to have lots of airflow at night. Daytime- they have access to their fields all
This morning my doe was "ready", so much so that she wasn't interested in breakfast only in the boys. I put her in with them and since my mature buck, Earl, was carrying on so much, I thought he wouldn't let my bucklings near her. Not so. My most pre
I am going to be picking up a herd of NDG's (2 bucks, 3 does) that have been sold to me unexpectedly. (The seller is going to be adopting a child and having to leave the country so she decided to sell her NDG herd and I just happened to be in the r
Good Morning, I am gonna try to keep this short. We are fairly new to Nigerians (and goats in general) we have two wethers and just sent in a deposit check for a registered herd consisting of 2 bucks and 3 does which I will be picking up soon. Anyw
I think I'm getting a few angoras to add to my herd. I was thinking about Ouessants (sheep) as they are the size of NDs but didn't want to deal with mineral issues. So 2 angora goats will satisfy my interest in fiber. However, like Debra- I read abou
I have 2 goats, I had 4 but had to sell 2. Anyways, I was wondering what type of Sweetlix mineral I should get for my goats, and how much per day, free choice?
They are both does, 1 is 2 years old, other is almost 8 months old. I plan on breeding th