Pine bark as a dewormer
For those of you interested in natural remedies, check out this study on pine bark:!pinebark/coo1
Read more…For those of you interested in natural remedies, check out this study on pine bark:!pinebark/coo1
Read more…What kind of percentage are we talking about when you pen your goats with chickens and a duck together?
Read more…Hi all! I'm new here and learning a BUNCH reading as many of the posts as I can... One question I have is on Selenium. I've been reading about it and the other minerals and am about to make my order of Sweetlix and Selenium. However, the store tha
Read more…We have a grey fox that seems to have made it's home very nearby to us. The grey fox is very rare in these parts, old timers say it's been years since they have seen one. He is quite bold and not bothered much by us humans. Our neighbor opened the
Read more…Just wondering about our wether pictured here. He acts fine... sassy and sweet, but the hair around his eyes, ears, and the bridge of his nose seems to be rather thin. I don't remember it being this thin, and the rest of the herd doesn't seem to be e
Read more…I have an 8 week old buckling who is not eating solid foods. he hasnt touched them or even tried to eat them. im not sure how i can get him to eat solids.he doesnt even seemed to be interested in anything. any help at all would be awesome
Read more…The talk about highly absorbable minerals and I've heard of people in my area using zinpro. Thoughts?? The 4 plex E is for organic types.
Read more…I have a 2 year old doe never bred that has a lopsided udder. It just recently became lopsided. She has always been uniform. It isnt a huge difference but enough I noticed. I plan to breed her this fall. What can I do to fix it? An herbal remedy is p
Read more…Today I milked a goat at a breeder's house and she said that the doe had a mild staph issue on her udder (I looked and didn't see any bumps but she seems to know her goats really well so I believe her that it was there). I washed my hands well when I
Read more…I have two pregnant does. One is due to kid in about 10 days and the other in about three weeks. I am seeing signs of worms in one of them (clumpy poop, off her feed, etc.) I knew this was probably going to be an issue as we have had to keep them
Read more…I had no idea this was even possible, but a local breeder in my area has a buck that developed an udder! I wasn't exactly sure where to put this post because it didn't seem appropriate to post about it in the dairy section. She's a well respected bre
Read more…Hi,
I'm probably going to call my vet, and do a fecal test, but in the meantime I thought I'd see if anyone here has experienced this. My four-year-old buck has had clumpy poop on and off for the past few days. He is on dry lot and fed hay, so worms
Read more…I have been concerned about BOSS having chemicals or GMO. I can find organic shelled seeds but not she'll-on organic. Any info anyone has?
Read more…does anyone have experience with goat big fluffy poops? She is not anemic, but this occurred after she kidded. I checked the poops and there are no worms or anything. I wondering if alfalfa or wheat hay or sudan hay is the culprit?
Read more…I'm wondering if anyone here can clear up a question I have about internal parasites. I understand that part of the life cycle is releasing eggs, which then hatch, and eventually reinfect the goats via fecal-oral transmission. For this reason, rotati
Read more…Okay, this is odd. Dancer was reaching over and pulling some hair off of Ginger a few days ago and thought nothing of it. I thought nothing of it that first time thinking she was just being a pill. I observed her doing it again and have several ti
Read more…This Saturday I'm picking up two mini doelings. One a mini Nubian and the other a mini mancha. The mini mancha was born C section due to her ND mom getting out of her pen and in with the Lamancha buck. The mini Nubian has been dam raised so far but s
Read more…Hi all. I need some advice please. My doe gave birth to triplet girls on the 27th of February. They were all healthy and she was nursing well. At 5 days old, I disbudded all of them and tattooed them. No one had any issues. I always spray the d
Read more…Hi everyone,
Since goat mineral issues come up so often, I've decided to create a post with basic mineral info. Here is a link to an excerpt from Raising Goats Naturally:
Read more…Does anyone use herbs or food (like pumpkin seeds) as regular part of their feeding regimen as a preventative maintenance for things like coccidiosis or worms? Other things?
I'd like to learn how to do this for all of my animals, including my goats.
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