Health (988)

Urgent help needed

Hi All,

The vet is perplexed and does not know what to try, and my sweet doe Clover is going downhill fast.  any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.  Here are the facts.

Doe ~ 4.5 years old in good health.  Kidded with 2 healthy kids last M

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Views: 204

Fish Tail?

I am attaching some photos, is this fishtail. Black one was born in feb, and brown and white in march, they have had cowp 2 times (many in my area cowp 3-4 times per year) This is how their tail has looked from the start and hasn't improved. Eyelids

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2 Replies
Views: 838

Horrible year...

I'm totally heart broken. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I can't sleep....

This spring our doe delivered her buckling 20 days premature, we lost him.

We pen breed for fall kids but the (3) does never got pregnant.

6 weeks ago, we found one

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6 Replies
Views: 307

Do *Goat* vaccines even work?

I've been going back and forth in my head about vaccines. Is there any scientific evidence that they even work in goats? I talked to a vet who was really pushing them and when I questioned their necessity and said that I was not sure I was comfortabl

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8 Replies
Views: 655

broken scur

so my buck has small scurs that aren't attached. they grow and can be wiggled. anyway one of them grows back into his head so i keep it trimmed off. today while trimming it, it completely broke off. now, it is red where it was but not bleeding. my qu

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Views: 81

Ear infection

Anyone know what these crusty grey things are on my one year old bucks ears?  Sometimes they are crusty like this, othertimes they just seem like a grey/white shading on the ears.  He has been treated for external parasites recently as they all had l

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2 Replies
Views: 223

Tired and frustrated.

I have a buck 3 yrs old. has always benn healthy happy and lovable. If ya'll seen all my posts on face book I have been struggling with parasites this yr have lost 6.

Sam has been off and on treatment the whole time . have tried everything that's bee

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Views: 183

CDT shot and limping

 We gave our 7 week old little boy his CDT shot the other day. My husband was helping me and thought because the skin is tough to get through the harder he jabbed the better. Well the skin fold fell out of my hand and it looked like he was pushing it

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Views: 864

Eprinex or Ivermectin?

Everyone seems to be having issues with Barber Poles this year and I have a few questions about which wormer I should try. I use COWP and so far they have really helped, but I have two goats that have pale lids and I'm wanting to give them a little e

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2 Replies
Views: 367

Test results for CAE

Hey y'all.

Part of the preparation for breeding my girl Naomi next month is to have her tested. I just got the test results back from UC Davis and she tested negative for CL, CAE, and Johne's, but according to the results, the CAE numbers are in "sus

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7 Replies
Views: 488
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