How do I improve their coat condition?

I need some advice.  I have two 2 yr old does who kidded about a week ago.  I am not happy with how they are looking right now and I am not sure what I should do about it.  

Here is what I have done:

  • Copper bolus May 28th
  • wormed with ivermectin day after kidding (fecal done in may came back negative)
  • grain: 1 lb of home mix of oats, barley, BOSS, and 1/2 cup calf manna
  • supplements: Goat and Kid Omega, 1 tbsp kelp
  • free choice minerals (purina is all I can get here)
  • free choice hay and alfalfa pellets

They have shed out their down coat but still have a really long coat.  I clipped them last year but I worry about them getting sun burnt.  When I clipped them for kidding their coats were really shiny underneath. I groom them almost daily, usually with some protest.

What am I missing?  Why don't they look better?  


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  • I replied to this earlier, but my reply isn't showing!! 

    I was going to say, that if the owner of the other goats you mentioned showed, and shaved, then it's pretty likely their sleek coats are grown out shaved coats. IMO, they look prettiest and sleekest a month or so after shaving. 

  • Thank you Deborah and Emily.  I am going to check out the Replamin Gel.  I am not thrilled with the purina minerals and cannot get any other type without ordering it online.

    I might clip them with a longer blade.  Last year I used a 7 but I think I will order a 5.  

    Thanks for the reassurance.

  • I recently bought two doelings from the same breeder (different lines though) and one is very fluffy, similar to your does and the other has very short, sleek, soft hair (petting her is like petting silk). I think it's just different genetics lead to different coat textures kind of like people. The one with sleek hair really reminds me of a deer. 

    I just recently started giving my whole herd 5cc of Replamin Gel Plus (from Jeffers) every 2-3 weeks in addition to their free-choice Sweetlix minerals, free-choice selenium, baking soda, and Copasure every 3-4 months. I have seen a HUGE difference in their coats since I started giving them the Replamin. Your goats look great to me though! I'm worried about mine getting sunburnt as well so I am definitely not shaving them.  Especially because this is the most intense FL summer I've ever experienced, and I've lived here my whole life!

  • Some goats have more hair than others. If you've already seen them shed out their cashmere, this could just be the way they are. Many people take pictures of their goats after clipping them, which could explain why their mothers' pictures look so sleek.

    If you are buying a commercial feed, it will have a recommended feeding amount on the label. Many say that you should feed 1 pound of grain for every 3 pounds of milk produced. The body condition on your goats is really excellent. Most does get somewhat thin by 4-6 weeks after kidding.

  • I guess I need other opinions than my own!  I just feel that they don't look great.  Shouldn't they have a shorter coat for the summer?  I have looked back at pictures of their mothers and they had slick, short coats.  I am pretty sure they hadn't been clipped.  It is probably the horse groom coming out in me.  I think summer and slick, shiny coats come to mind.

    I am happy with the weight they have gained since kidding.  Is 1 lb about the right amount?  I have never fed lactating goats before.

  • I'm not sure what you're asking about. Their coats and body condition look fine in the pictures. Could you explain what exactly you're concerned about?

  • The picture of the second doe is in an attachment.

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