I had no idea this was even possible, but a local breeder in my area has a buck that developed an udder! I wasn't exactly sure where to put this post because it didn't seem appropriate to post about it in the dairy section. She's a well respected breeder who has been doing this for quite a while, and I was considering getting a buckling from her next spring, but if this is a very bad sign I may go elsewhere for a registered buckling.
My first thought was that he must be having some major hormonal issues. I don't know what else would cause that. Some other people commented on her post and said that this only happens with bucks from really strong milking lines and that they wanted one of his kids, so now I'm very confused. Does anyone have any helpful insight? She is just watching the udder and hoping it goes away because she doesn't want to break the seal and open him up to infection. She said she doesn't think it's mastitis because it's soft and not at all hot.
Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Should I stay away from this person's goats?
It's never happened here, but I have heard of it, and I've seen pictures a few times. Only a couple of weeks ago, there was a very sad story out of Africa about a lactating buck. The government had him put down because people over there believe that if they drink his milk, it can cure infertility, and although the current owner had no plans to start charging a fortune for his milk, the government was afraid that the goat would wind up in the wrong hands and that person would take advantage of the less educated people. So sad!
It's so odd to think about! I guess I'm just in shock because it hadn't ever occurred to me that it was even possible.