Does anyone have a cream separator or centrifuge that they are using to make butter from their ND milk? If so, how well is it working for you? How does the butter taste? Any recommendations on any particular brand/model?
Does anyone know of a Nigerian Dward Goat club in New Mexico that one could join to get a herd ID. I found out this would be the more economical way to be compliant with the state of New Mexico Livestock board regulations and law for registered goat
I have a goat that has really dry flaky skin. She's lost a lot of hair on her face as well. I don't see any bugs and she doesn't act itchy. I thot maybe it was a copper problem so I gave her copasure in Oct. Would it be a Zinc deficiency? Or somethin
I have a doe who is 2 weeks from kidding and has come down with some severe diarrhea. She was fine one day then the next we had some major weather change with a lot of rain and when I went to check on everyone she had poop everywhere. It is really ru
Hello, my name is Julianne and I live in the western piedmont of North Carolina. My little menagerie consists of 2 German Shepherds, 1 orange cat, 10 hens, 1 rooster and 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats, a doe and a wether.
This is not me but someone in another group. I recall someone here talked about something similar and it was a water issue with minerals correcting. What do you remember?
I had a doe have premature babies a week or so ago. Some of yal
I want to set up rotational breeding with a total of 6 does and 1 buck. Every 4 months two new does will be put with the buck. After building my barn and dry lots, I have 1/2 acre to work with to do rotational grazing. How big of paddocks would you m
Is it wise to put a 10 month old disbudded wether in with two intact bucks? I have two intact bucks co-habitating together and want to put the wether in with them. I have never done this at the wethers age, and don't want him hurt. I would probabl
Hello there. Looking for some answers in a few different areas:
1. How long should kids be given grain? Ours are 9 months old, and I'm still giving them 1/2 cup of grain once a day. Both are does, and both are completely healthy and sassy. They also
I recall in the past that discussing breeding of some species- one was encouraged to breed younger males to smaller females as it could result in smaller babies. I don't know if it was dogs where the discussion happened. It is a distant memory.
I am looking for help : I want to keep ND goats and my village of Justice told me " no farm animals allowed" I live 7 miles away from Chicago where they are legal to keep! I read the village code and did not find a line where they prohibi
my doe freshened in July with triplets. She has given about 1 1/2 qts. +/- through out. I stopped milking her at night (purely my choice) - and she did drop in quantity, which was fine for my supply. Since heats on and off - she has lost interest
Brownie gave me twin does about 9pm last night! :) The delivery went really well, and Brownie is always a wonderful mom. It didn't take them long to get up and find food. I'm ecstatic to get does! I'd only gotten bucks from her until now. My only com
My FF Molly had quads today! (It was my first time too - phew, it's good to have that over with! :) Two doelings and two bucklings, all variations of black and white and cute as can be. The first three came out one right after another in the divin
My first freshener, Princess Aubrey, gave me three babies on Friday morning...2 girls and a boy! The boy was born 2nd and came out strong and hardy but the two little girls were not very responsive so I ended up taking them in the house so I could b
On Monday, July 15 we are going in front of the Zoning Board of Appeals to see if we can persuade the Board that "up to three" Nigerian Goats would be okay for us to keep in our small, rural village.
Any pro or con about offering organic sweet potatos to my goats? I have 2 nice ones but am not allowed to eat them myself right now. If no for goats - I'll cook them up for chickens who will LOVE them.