Question wether with bucks

Is it wise to put a 10 month old disbudded wether in with two intact bucks?  I have two intact bucks co-habitating together and want to put the wether in with them.  I have never done this at the wethers age, and don't want him hurt.  I would probably take him out during rutt.  One buck has scurs, one buck has horns, the wether is disbudded.  I've seen what the bucks do to each other (blood and all)  during rutt and don't want the wether harmed.

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  • I agree.  At first, the buck with scurs was top buck as during one of their "episodes" he managed to knock one of the horned bucks horn in half. This buck now has a horn and a half  LOL  ..   I guess at that time he became alfa.  Then it changed and one morning the buck with scurs had blood running down his face and a scur knocked off.  Then he was not alfa anymore.  Now rutt is over they are best buddies again until it starts again  LOL  Gotta love 'em.  I guess I'll keep my wether in with the girls.  I was wondering why since he has been in with the does, they aren't crying in heat as they have in the past. He tries to mount, perhaps the does think that is a breed?  I wanted to try keeping the wether separate and see next year if is different.

  • I have a friend who houses a wether with her in tact bucks, and they all get along just fine, but they are all disbudded. I would be less concerned about the buck with scurs. It would be the buck with horns that I would be wary of. 

  • okay, that's what I needed to know.  My wether is a sweet young boy and don't want him hurt.  Thank you so much Deborah!

  • Their behavior towards the wether won't be any worse than their behavior towards each other. However, it's usually not a good idea to have horned and non-horned goats together, as the horned goats have a big advantage and can do some serious damage to the non-horned ones.

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