When I first joined this site, some of us went through a natural goat care seminar. I was wondering where I could watch and listen again? Now that I've got a handle on the very basics, I'd like to secure some of the knowledge I didn't retain last tim
There seems to be a massive weight range - is this true?
The consensus seems to be to wait until 40 lbs at least to breed (to allow proper growth for the mother). This is where I get confused because...haha..my goat books say the goats weigh 30-50
For the first time, this year I'm going to be using alfalfa pellets instead of alfalfa hay when my does give birth (any time now). I'm not sure how much to feed. They'll get free choice grass hay when not on pasture. They don't get out on
I vaxxed my girls around June 3rd, and from what I'm told, I needed to do it again in 28 days, only I missed that date. Is it too late to do the 2nd vax or would I need to start all over again? Is it fine for me to do it tomorrow? The vax I gave was
Currently, we have a pretty small pasture fenced in using cattle panels. They have worked great, but we are currently building a new barn and are going to be fencing in about 2 acres of pasture. My questions are:
I have read on some lists that it is dangerous to have just 1 layer of fencing between girls and boys. With Nigerians- is it really possible for them to breed through 2x4 inch wovern wire fencing. At 20 weeks, my bucklings will be moving to permanent
I have 4 does that are in milk and 7 kids. The kids all have lice, but only one mama has lice (and we are not milking her). First I tried DE as a lice treatment, but it did not help. So now I used Adam's Flea and tick which I have had success with
8 months, cute as a bug and really sweet, Chocolate Swiss Marked, very symmetrical. Good bloodlines- sire from Dragon Hill, grand sire from Kush-Hara. His mom is our best producer. Dis budded, weaned, cd-t and coccidiosis prophylaxis. 150.00
I'm getting ready to freeze some milk for soap making. Is it okay to weigh out the milk for soap making, then freeze each batch in ice cube trays and bag in freezer bags when it's frozen? Would I then be able to use it straight from the bag knowing
A quick curious question... I have a doe registered with NDGA. I understand that she is unable to be registered in AGS or ADGA (I've emailed them and they let me know). It made me wonder. So, somewhere along the line a certain number of goats were
I live in the city and have two ND does. Both kidded in June, one had twins (boy/girl) and the other a single buckling. I have sold the boys as pets and am left deciding what to do about the doeling. I am of course in love with her because she was
I have looked and know size and age to breed and understand that, but I cant find anywhere the average age I need to start paying more attention to when a doe starts having heats. What is the average age that you have noticed does to start heats? Tha
I have a 2 year old doe never bred that has a lopsided udder. It just recently became lopsided. She has always been uniform. It isnt a huge difference but enough I noticed. I plan to breed her this fall. What can I do to fix it? An herbal remedy is p
Two beautiful babies. Mama's name is The Magic Show so babies names are (buck) Alacazam and (doe) Abracadabra. The one question I have is (being a new goat grandma and all) the buck (the black one) has a bent ear an
Hello. I'm new to goats but read a lot online and books before I started with two pregnant does. Both mommies are doing great. One buck born on May 23rd has been wethered and is doing great. Twins, one buck, one doe, born on June 9th, were doing
Hi all! I'm new here and learning a BUNCH reading as many of the posts as I can... One question I have is on Selenium. I've been reading about it and the other minerals and am about to make my order of Sweetlix and Selenium. However, the store tha