I'm getting ready to buy a milking kit from either Hoegger's or Caprine Supply, and wanted your opinion on which one would be better. I don't need to buy a kit per se, but since this is my first kidding/milking this year, I want to make sure I'm not
I have a doe due March 2 and I just separated her from the other does. She has a little dried blood on her vulva and when she peed it was a little pink, but that could have been the dried stuff being washed away. Apparently, I should have followed my
Okay, folks, I need clarification. A friend asked me today what to put in her birthing kit. One of the things I told her was iodine and/or betadine for dipping the cord, that betadine was recommended by others but after what happened with my firstb
so my buck has small scurs that aren't attached. they grow and can be wiggled. anyway one of them grows back into his head so i keep it trimmed off. today while trimming it, it completely broke off. now, it is red where it was but not bleeding. my qu
Hi all, I had my first kidding of the season 4 days ago and it was a doozy. My 3 year old (3rd freshener) went into labor early in the day and did not progress much all day long. She had streaming mucus that was normal, clear and milky for many hours
I'm at a loss as to how much to feed a new mother. I'd been feeding just a tad of grain but now she has her twins. What is the standard amount to start with. She looks perfect in weight right now but of course some is left-over from pregnancy and she
This was only my second kidding ever and boy was it an experience. I have a doe who is half Pygmy, half Nigerian who is very small. I never intended to breed her because of her size, but my husband accidentally left a gate open and she got in an area
Yes, goats are different than any other animal that i have had.
I lurked on this site and learned all that i could for several years. Wanted to make sure that I knew what I was getting into when i finally got to get my goats. Well last year I got m
Now that we have the kidding behind us (delivered 5 days ago-whew!) I am noticing how thin mom is looking. (Looks a little thinner each day - I thought that was great when it was me getting thinner after pregnancy, but I'm not sure it's good for my g
I was on another forum this morning where I noted several posts regarding "pooch tests"....one owner posting pictures of the "happy parts" of their does and asking others whether or not they thought the does were pregnant. Most of the responses were
If you have a buck that sires all your does, he is therefore the father of any baby does born. So when those baby does are ready to breed, who mates with them? Do you let their father do it? If not, do you ha
This doe started with long mucus string hanging noticed around 7:@m, she panted standing up looking depressed with her head down all day and finally around 6:pm started pushing and had two breach babies, tail first. Then a third, tail first as well a
After a very traumatic season last year with vaccinations, abscesses, and one with a very bad reaction to the vaccine we would like to no longer vaccinate. I know that many people do not vaccinate, but I hope we're making the right decision. W
I think something rather scary went through my property early this morning. I was awakened by my awesomely protective rooster, Duncan, crowing his head off. He normally only crows a few times at sunrise.
I was reading on one of the millions of goat lists that
some bucks seem to throw girls, boys, etc. You experienced
folks- is this possible? Clearly it is the sire who determines
sex, or is it? Could the "terrain" of the dam favor one type
of sperm? T
I wanted to start a discussion about my unusual situation with my doe who is due this week (3rd freshening) who looks like she'll have 4 or 5 kids. She had a most unusual heat-- was in standing heat for a full 5 days! Her first day she was bred and s