
  • Good to know! Thanks so much!!
  • Usually, yes, within a few days with lots of nursing and/or milking. 

  • Ok, I'll try that. Will a congested udder go away on its own?
  • I would not separate her at all from the kids in that situation. Have you tried putting a warm washcloth on her udder? It helps to have another person holding the warm compress on the udder while you try to milk.

  • It is hard on both sides. It's not soft like it was before the babies were born on Thursday. There's no milk really if I try to milk her but if I separate her there's a little bit. I think the babies are drinking it as soon as it's there. The longest I separated her was 4 hrs. Do I need to separate her longer? We milked for several months last summer and she did well.
  • Yes, it's possible, although congested udder is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot without a definition that's always clear. Is it just full and hard? Can you get milk out?

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