Need advise. Triplets born to a first timer r. Not very attentive that I've seen so far. One is very tiny looks to be last born . Wet cold. Been 35-40 degrees outside. Heat lamp was on but wasn't under. I brought inside to warm up. Now what? Should I
50 more days to go. Yolanda is getting heavier and just starting to develop an udder. So exciting, this will be our first kidding. Black one is Yolanda, gold one is the buck. she isn't very big so i am guessing a single
Hello all!! My husband and I recently left the city behind and bought some acreage in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma. We instantly decided we should fill our space with cute, tiny animals! Nigerian Dwarf Goats quickly became an obsession. We jump
My doe is bleeding from her back side. I cant tell if it’s feom her anus or vulva. This isn’t the first time she’s had some blood but it’s the worst time and seems more out of place. There also seems to be a swollen red bump. She is a rescue and came
I need to change from two milking a day to one. What are the best (easiest on my doe) ways to do that? I think she is about one month pregnant. She has been giving a pint of milk each milking. Thanks for any suggestions.
My 6 month old doe, Honey had a small tiny streak of pink fur on her tail. I looked closer and it appears to be blood. She has a bit of a swollen bottom too. Is this just a sign she is coming into season?
We have eleven Nigerian ones. Due to some difficulties--lack of time mostly--we've gotten into a problem raising our caprines. These guys are overweight ! They have been on Timothy Grass mostly, salt and some minerals ocassionally..
All, if anyone else has dealt with this issue, I'd love to hear your experiences and outcomes.
Our doe is a second freshener, and this time around, her brother has been nursing off her. We've thought something was up ever since we started milking (in
As a child, my family raised Nubians, Lamanchas, Alpines, and more. We kept about 6-8 full size goats at a time and showed them at fair. Now as an adult, I knew I wanted to start over with goats (I love so much!). I don't own the same land and the sh
Orange spots (pee?) in the snow in goats pen? any idea what it could be? I give molasses and apple cider vinegar in warm water. I just added sweet feed to their goat chow 50/50 with sunflower seeds (could this do it?) They have loose minerals avail
My name is Lorenzo, and I live in Panama City, Republic of Panama. I am interested in buying at least 20 registered junior does to import to Panama. Completely new to goats, and do not seem to get a serious contact that can provide us with this inf
I'm a little old-fashioned and still enjoy having real-live, genuine books around. Iam looking for recommendations for a "level up" reference book. I already have Raising Goats Naturally and Storey's Guide. I'm ready for something that goes a li
Into The Woods Farm is located in the foothills of the Adirondacks in upstate New York. We have a small herd of 12 NDGs. We started with our goats in May of 2016 when we purchased a first freshner and her 4 doelings that she wa
One of my does miscarried triplets yesterday. Two boys and a girl. She appeared normal at morning feeding. I went out at 2 and she had dropped two babies and was working on her third. She has delivered one girl lady spring fine. All babies appeared n