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No heat periods

Thanks,  Deborah, 

When I sent my questions about my two does not coming into heat, i had used forum,  so don't know why forum was suggested in your response.   But,  I'll try again: My two does  were born in June of 2018. They have never shown any s

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Views: 103


Hello, my name is Shirlene. I will be receiving  my first two little does Friday. I am busy making them a play area and can't wait for them to arrive. I look forward to meeting you all. I live in TX not too far from Waco. This is our first year her s

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Views: 98

5000 sqft pen

Hi all love the site and look foward to contributing. 

I have a small 3 acre hobby farm here in the Pacific Northwest (WA).

I have about a 5000sqft fenced goat pen, for being a small area it has hill small gully and trees.

What are some good ways

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Views: 235

Lost back teeth

This morning my husband found what looks like a string of the back teeth from one of our 8 NDs. Their front teeth are much taller than the ones he found on the ground, when he was cleaning their area. So we suspect they came from the back of one's go

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Views: 155

Chronic cough

I bought a new doe in milk back in July. She started coughing a few days after I got her and at fist I just thought it was because of the stress of joining a new herd. Unfortunately it kept up and got worse. Sometimes it is a dry cough and sometimes

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5 Replies
Views: 641

Teff Hay for Wethers

Does anyone have experience using Teff hay?

I got my hands on some and stocked up for the winter--mainly because that's what was available by the time I got around to stocking up for the winter. A friendly acquaintance had grown it experimentally for

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Views: 1299


Hello all.

I am fairly new to the goat raising experiance. We have had goats now for about a year and half. 

 We have 7 ND does (2 are 4, 1 is 3, 2 are 2 and 2 were born in March.  We also have 2 pygmy does.  We have one pigmy buck and 3 ND withers

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Views: 55

signs of pain

I have an 8 year doe, Clover, she is one of my first two goats and has a special spot in my heart.

3.5 years ago she contracted meningeal worm, the parasite attacked her spinal cord.  At her worst her back legs were paralyzed, but with an outstanding

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Views: 150


Hello all, 

Thank you for allowing me to join the group!

My name is Annette and I live in Sacramento Ca.

i am new to goats, have had my 3 for about 3 months now. Two doe kids and the  mother to one of the kids. 

I hoping to be able to learn as much a

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Views: 61

Breeding age

What’s the earliest that you guys will breed a doe age wise? I have a doe that is 6 mo old but she’s already over 60lbs and 18inches tall. I usually wait until my does are 10mo but it usually takes them that long to be that size. I have access to a g

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Views: 144