When I sent my questions about my two does not coming into heat, i had used forum, so don't know why forum was suggested in your response. But, I'll try again: My two does were born in June of 2018. They have never shown any s
Hello, my name is Shirlene. I will be receiving my first two little does Friday. I am busy making them a play area and can't wait for them to arrive. I look forward to meeting you all. I live in TX not too far from Waco. This is our first year her s
This morning my husband found what looks like a string of the back teeth from one of our 8 NDs. Their front teeth are much taller than the ones he found on the ground, when he was cleaning their area. So we suspect they came from the back of one's go
I bought a new doe in milk back in July. She started coughing a few days after I got her and at fist I just thought it was because of the stress of joining a new herd. Unfortunately it kept up and got worse. Sometimes it is a dry cough and sometimes
I got my hands on some and stocked up for the winter--mainly because that's what was available by the time I got around to stocking up for the winter. A friendly acquaintance had grown it experimentally for
Would it be worth adding a buck to my herd that is 7 years old? It’s his blood lines that I’m really after and I have a unique opportunity to get him at a great price from a herd dispersal but at 7, I’m hesitating. How many years can I realistically
I seem to always be going back and forth on what to feed our milkers. For several years, I have been feeding DuMor sweet feed, mixing in BOSS, sometimes alfalfa pellets. Our goats always have access to Sweetlix Meat Maker loose mineral, Thorvin kelp,
I have a 15 week old doeling who has been exhibiting a stiff gait for several weeks. I unfortunately, being new to this, did not pay it enough attention just figuring it was something strange about her. But the stiffness in the rear legs has progre
Did you know that what you do now can have a big impact on your kidding success in the spring? Mineral deficiencies, not recognizing the signs of a doe in heat, and holding a doe for breeding can all result in failure.
What’s the earliest that you guys will breed a doe age wise? I have a doe that is 6 mo old but she’s already over 60lbs and 18inches tall. I usually wait until my does are 10mo but it usually takes them that long to be that size. I have access to a g
Anyone out there have a favorite fan for under $300? Looking for recommendations. We have a pretty tiny barn (8x12) for only 3 goats. Half of one side of the barn is open all the time, but it gets very stuffy nonetheless.
Im in Central Texas trying to milk my way to riches. HA HA HA. I make cheese, fudge, soap and lotion with the milk. Love my little Nigerians and have been breeding them since 2013. Each year teaches something else or another way to do it. I have some
Hello, I am in need of some of you experience goat owners wisdom and advice!
I have an about 3 year old doe who has severe diarrhea. It at first started out as clumpy poo, now it is very wet. She has really white eyelids, and has gotten really skinny