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What brands of minerals do y'all use? I'm new to goats, and originally bought MannaPro minerals, but after reading through all the old forums came to the conclusion that that brand is mostly worthless. In the old forums, it sounds like Purina is a go

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Views: 165

Color Description

I'm trying to decide what I would describe my buckling's coloring as... he is mostly a reddish roan/ brown, with white markings, and the black markings that a chamoise would have -black underbelly, legs, and dorsal stripe. I would call him a broken b

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Views: 106


So I'm a newbie, and I'm trying to learn about the coat patterns and colors. My doeling is light gold, and I noticed a darker gold spot on her back... could it be a moonspot? I can take better pictures tomorrow if this isn't a good enough one to tell

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Views: 475

Breeding age for buck

Guys what is the youngest you’ve successfully used a buckling for breeding? I’m making my breeding plans for next year and I have a buckling I’m planning on using with a doe I usually breed in September. At that time he will be 5 months old. Should I

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Views: 398

Sick Nigerian Dwarf Kid

Hi! My family recently got 2 baby goats. We got them when they were a few days old and they are now 4 weeks old.  The past couple of days, we have been struggling to get our girl Nigerian dwarf to take her bottle. We have to force her to take 2 oz wh

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Views: 112

Singleton Nursing...

I have a buckling who is a week old. We lost his sister (that's another post) so he is alone. We had a rough start with momma (FF) not wanting him...was 5 hours before he nursed much...but now he is nursing well, though he does have a side preference

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Views: 358

Our First Kid!!!

We had our first kid born last night!  He was a singleton buck and is the cutest little guy we've ever see.  The delivery went well and was very quick...or at least it was a lot quicker then I was imagining it would be. 

Our doe is a FF and was very

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8 Replies
Views: 178

Please help!!!

We just got 3 week old Nigerian dwarf goats both males on Saturday. Yesterday (wednesday) we noticed one started having some diarrhea in the afternoon and before that he has always grinding his teeth. I gave him a little peptmo bismo for the diarrhea

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Views: 133

Hair loss around ears

I've got a doe who kidded a couple of weeks ago who has hair loss around her ears. Not just a patch, but pretty much hair loss on the whole ear, both of them. The hair loss forms a circle at the base of the ear where the hair loss begins and ends. I

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Views: 356

Preparing for bottle babies

I want to be prepared in case we end up having bottle babies when our does kid in late April.  I've read that the kids (should) get colostrum right away.  Both of our does are FF and this is our first time having kids.  Both of our does came to us as

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4 Replies
Views: 108

Doe with cough and fever

I have a 11 month old Nigerian doe who has had a hacking cough for a few days now. I grew concerned yesterday (I should have been concerned earlier I know) and took her temperature and in the morning it was 104.9. By the evening it had risen to 105.4

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5 Replies
Views: 244


I am so happy to have found an active goat community, thank you for adding me!  My daughter (in the picture) has two nigerian dwarfs that are set to kid at the end of April.  This will be the first birth on our farm other then chickens and turkeys. 

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Views: 54

doe kid disbudding

Hi...  I'm getting ready to disbud female kid. she is 13 days old.  My previous disbudding has always left small scurs. This time I want to make sure.   I've been waiting for the "prick" to feel on the top but it's almost but not quite there. Do I ha

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Views: 78