I just moved from California to Virginia. I’ve only been here a month and yesterday I lost a buck to listeriosis and another one is ill but receiving treatment. Whether it was climate or something else I’m not sure but in the 6 years I’ve owned goats
I have 3 or 4 kids I purchased that have the round bellies like a watermelon. Fecals are clean. I don't want them to be smaller than normal. What can I do to correct this?
The buckling is 6 months old and the doelings are 4-6 months. Im in Texas so i
Does anyone have experience using a mesh hay feeder for their goats? I'd appreciate feedback on waste reduction, size of holes in feeder, and unintended consequences (goats injured or stuck). Also usability--how annoying is it to load? How durable?
I've been thinking a lot about getting a livestock guardian dog, and I'd really like to. I currently have just two doelings that live in a nice big pen, with a little barn. Right now I'm locking them in the barn at night (for about 8-9 hours) and let
I have been gone from this forum for a few years and missed it. Been busy with our herd of goats. We have far too many but keeps us busy in our older years. We take them for walks in the woods and around our pond area as much as possible where
My husband and I live on an acreage and are going to be starting our first NDG verture. I have done a lot of reading up on them and am learning all I can. We will be getting them for their milk to drink and make soap and such with. We only want 2 o
I am looking into purchasing a ND doe and I am primarily interested in milk production capabilities and this would be the foundational doe for my herd. I want to know how much milk is considered a good amount for a ND? I know there are a lot of varia
I'm getting ready to give my goats their first dose of COWP... I'm seeing some signs of deficiency. My black goat is turning reddish, and some of them have rough coats, and there is a bit of fishtail.
Hello from Nebraska and thanks for adding me to your group. I purchased my first 4 ND does in August of 2019. They were already in milk and I was able to get them bred fairly quickly. Just had my first kid 2 weeks ago, and am expecting the other 3 to
I have five goats -2 wethers, 2 does, 1 buck - they are all between three and four months old, and I've owned them all since they were 8 wks. I have never given them grain... should I be? If so, I feel terrible that I never gave it to them. Here are
What brands of minerals do y'all use? I'm new to goats, and originally bought MannaPro minerals, but after reading through all the old forums came to the conclusion that that brand is mostly worthless. In the old forums, it sounds like Purina is a go
I just wanted to let everyone know that my sixth book, Goats Giving Birth, is now available. And I also have a new online store where you can buy my books right here! Of course, they are also available through your favorite bookstore. If they don't h
I'm trying to decide what I would describe my buckling's coloring as... he is mostly a reddish roan/ brown, with white markings, and the black markings that a chamoise would have -black underbelly, legs, and dorsal stripe. I would call him a broken b
So I'm a newbie, and I'm trying to learn about the coat patterns and colors. My doeling is light gold, and I noticed a darker gold spot on her back... could it be a moonspot? I can take better pictures tomorrow if this isn't a good enough one to tell
Guys what is the youngest you’ve successfully used a buckling for breeding? I’m making my breeding plans for next year and I have a buckling I’m planning on using with a doe I usually breed in September. At that time he will be 5 months old. Should I
Hi! My family recently got 2 baby goats. We got them when they were a few days old and they are now 4 weeks old. The past couple of days, we have been struggling to get our girl Nigerian dwarf to take her bottle. We have to force her to take 2 oz wh