Hello all.
I am fairly new to the goat raising experiance. We have had goats now for about a year and half.
We have 7 ND does (2 are 4, 1 is 3, 2 are 2 and 2 were born in March. We also have 2 pygmy does. We have one pigmy buck and 3 ND withers that were born in match. We just lost our registered ND buck so will will he searching for one again.
The 5 older ND does are all bread thanks to fence jumper this summer as well as the 2 pigmys and everyone is starting to bag up! But a little worried ab oi y kidding in this cooler/cold South Dakota weather. Any tips? Should be in the next 2-3 weeks tops.
Our 2 older does are great mamas one had twins and the other triplets last spring just after we got them. The 3 year old lost 4 last year, and the others are all first time mamas.
I have some interest in learning to milk and would live some advice as well as learning some about showing them in 4H as my 6 year old LOVES his goats !
Thanks for letting me be a part of your group!
Hi Heather -
Here are also a couple posts about milking:
Welcome to the group! I saw your question last night and spent this morning updating my "Kidding in Winter" article. I originally wrote it in 2014 and more than doubled the length. So, thanks for asking! Pretty much everything I write now is in response to questions. Here's the updated post:
If you have any questions, please let me know!
And good luck with kidding!