"Thanks for the update!
I'm so glad that they are growing in new hair. I know it was really stressing you out. What an odd sequence of events with the whole experience
Babies are just as cute as they can be. Thanks for the adorable photos!
"Well I thought I'd post a little update because quite a bit has happened since I originally posted this question. Violet and Minty lost all the hair from their necks to their tails and down the backs of their legs but their sides and bellys are…"
"Ok thank you. We have had super weird weather. It's in the mid 50s one day and then 20s the next. Maybe it's just that they can't figure out whether they want a warm coat or not. "
"I'm baffled as well. I'm not sure how long the hair follicle cycle is in goats, but if this is some sort of full on coat dump, you should start to see new peach fuzz coming in, within a few weeks. Did you have any sort of weird weather pattern where…"
"There are a few short hairs there that are curly and rough but I'm not seeing any healthy new growth. It's just so weird that it's coming out in tufts and concentrating in certain spots, rather than an even shedding. I've never seen that before. "
"So I was wondering if perhaps this could be a mite problem, but the skin actually looks VERY healthy- so Definately do not think this is mites. If you run your hand opposite, against the growth direction of the hair, in the bald areas, do you see…"
"I circled the areas in question because pictures don't seem to show it very well. There is still some hair left in those patches but it's very coarse and curled. Ella's udder just has a bit of flaking right now because I have been rubbing it and…"
"Would you mind sending a pic of the balding areas on the back of the legs and the skin shedding on the udder? I'm just curious what that looks like.
Also- I'm going to do a little checking to see if I can find out what folks who sell cafeteria…"
"All of mine are in good condition, no clumpy poop or diarrhea. I listened to those podcasts and I think im more confused now. It really does seem like zinc issues based on the giant flakes of skin, especially on poor Ella's udder. Some are the…"
"Since she is due in a couple of weeks, I would hold off on more copper now. Copper is stored in the liver and can be released during times of stress. I typically try to time my copper boluses so that they are due right after kidding, because the…"
"I have been picked through their hair with a strong flashlight several times to check for lice and I can't find a single one. I can do a float to check for worms but they don't have and other signs of them and their eyelids are nice and pink. I use…"
Thanks for joining, Heather!