My 4 year old Nigerian doe kidded for the first time in June. She was bred to a Nigerian buck that stays in the pen with my does at all times so I am unsure how far along in pregnancy she was. Her kids were stillborn. The first kid appeared to be wel
I had the first successful mating of my NG doe and buck today. That all went very well, but when I brought the buck back to their pen, he immediately began fighting with his pen mate. This was much more vigorous than I'd ever seen before; previously,
Hello! We are just getting started in goats. We have 3 boys who love goat milk and we want to purchase 2 goats to have as our family milk goats. I am a member of several Facebook groups and I found some goats I am interested in purchasing though one
I have another question for you goat owners.
I know that NDGs have the highest butterfat content in their milk, but are you sure that’s actually a good thing? I mean, we live in an era in which more and more people don’t want to gain weight an
Ok so I know that on average there will be 50% boys and 50% girls. I also know that it’s possible for some bucks and even some does to consistently produce more of one gender than the other. Just like in humans some families produce more of one sex t
We are planning on getting goats in one or two years. (The sooner we can figure this all out, the sooner we can get them). My husband has been asking a lot of questions, so, I was hoping to get some answers here.
I have a few does who have been struggling to put weight on. They don’t have hay belly and don’t seem to eat any more than usual but they are under conditioned despite having constant access to hay and pasture and regular access to alfalfa pellets. W
I have Purina Goat Minerals in a plastic feed bin like the one pictured below. The problem I'm having is that the minerals absorb water from the air and become basically a solid block. This morning I went out and actually found a puddle of standing w
Hello! New to being a goat person, and I’m curious who’s the loudest bucks, wethers, or does? I want to welcome two goats into my backyard, but I don’t want to drive my neighbors crazy.
Also, can a young, unfriendly goat be rehabilitated into being a
Okay so I don't know if it will be too late for anyone to help here but I have a very sick goat. I'm about sure it is parasite. The does eyelids are very light pink, it is lethargic and has the runs. She is about 2-3 years old. We gave her dewormer (
I have a 3 1/2 month old wether and a 4 month old wether. The younger one was a triplet and is much smaller than the older one. The older one has developed aggressive behavior when inside the goat shelter. There is a hay rack on one end of the shelte
I'm being gifted two new bucks from a family member in a couple of weeks after they are fully weaned. They're currently about 9 1/2 weeks old. They've never been wormed although they did receive decoquinate a week ago because they had diarrhea. Diarr
I read through some of the posts about teat spurs but still had some questions. I bought this registered doeling at about a year old and didn't see any teat spurs. She was a little wild too, so I could have missed it. Now that shes bred, I see th
Hi guys. So our two bottle fed weathers which are being weaned refuse to drink water on their own. They’re down to 4 ounces twice a day of milk replacer. Tried molasses in the water. Tried the sucking finger trick. Any ideas? Were just worried to sto
Hello. My name is Rob O’Hagan. From Bridgeville Nova Scotia My wife Leah and I are new to goat life. We have two Nigerian dwarf weathers ( Ollie and Opie) just for pets obviously. They’re close to 3 months old and we’ve had them since they were a d
I had to leave town on short notice due to a death in my family in early May. My neighbor stepped in last minute to watch my goats for the two weeks I was gone. She isn’t really familiar with goats but she was my only option at the time. She did grea
My niece and nephew have three Nigerian dwarf does that kidded about five weeks ago, three sets of twins. All the families appear to be doing well, but they treated them for worms based on a local veterinarians recommendation two weeks ago.