Would you breed this time of year?

 We have had our does since Sept., but have only now gotten their registration papers.  We are excited to breed the girls and get going, which would have us kidding in Sept-Oct., which seems like a good time her in New England--not too cold, but not too hot and buggy.  What do you think?  Is it harder to sell kids in the winter?  Pros/cons?

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  • If you don't have a lot of goats or you have "clean" pasture where you can rotate them, it might not be a problem.

    Rolling Hills Nigerians said:

    I wish I would have known about late kidding and parasites. I have two does both due in that little time frame. I will breed a lot sooner next year so I have babies probably in February.. I hope things aren't too bad. My pasture will be dry by the time the second one kids so maybe it won't be a problem for her?

  • I wish I would have known about late kidding and parasites. I have two does both due in that little time frame. I will breed a lot sooner next year so I have babies probably in February.. I hope things aren't too bad. My pasture will be dry by the time the second one kids so maybe it won't be a problem for her?

  • That's true about the parasites, at least if you have good winter...here in West TN we didn't have much of a winter this year and the ticks and misquotes are already bad...I imagine worms will be, too. :/
  • I love breeding for fall kids. Parasites tend to be very low on the pasture, so kids do very well -- at least in our area, which is Illinois. We do whatever we can to stay organic, and NOT kidding from March through July has been a very positive move for us. We are able to stay away from using dewormers with the vast majority of our does when we kid during the months when the worm count on the pasture is lowest.

  • I have bred for fall babies, but after doing so I have found it's not my preference and will most likely not do it again. It's more fun to be able to enjoy nicer weather with the babies. I think the kids thrive more going into warmer weather and being out in the fresh air, but that could be in my head lol.
  • I don't know about selling kids, but you might want to consider a few other things like do you want to milk all winter?

  • I haven't had luck getting anyone settled this time of year...

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