I'm just curious because we had a 7 month old wether whose scurs were getting bigger and we took him to a vet today who burned them off again.
I don't know exactly what happened since I didn't go.
But I'm just wondering if anyone would have done something different?
If they aren't very thick, you can use your hoof trimmers to trim them so that they are not pointy.
We're wondering if we should have done something different now and cut or filed them rather than having them burned again.
His scurs were still pretty small, but he's the one who butts most.
Short horns are the scary ones since they stick out. I don't see much of a problem if you just let them grow and the spiral out and can't poke anything, but if they're short, they're quite pointy. Which is what we don't want.
The hormones definitely play a big role. It is hard to not have scurs in bucks. We don't disbud our Shetland sheep, and the rams get those big spiral horns, but the horns on wethers stay quite short. We've only had scurs on goats wethers a couple of times. Are you wondering if you should have done something differently when initially disbudding or now? At this point, I wouldn't bother doing anything with scurs on a wether unless they were somehow threatening his well-being, such as growing towards his eye or something unsafe like that. Unless a very large part of the horn bud was missed, scurs on a wether grow very slowly and don't usually amount to much.
Do you think this has to do with hormones? I had a beautiful wether, (disbudded at 1 week of age) but he did not have any scurs at all. Now, the ones I left as bucks, did!
Julia Johnson said:
My wether and two bucks get scurs. I leave them and they bash them off each other whenever they smell a doe in season.
bucks will get scurs. I have even had two bucks get horns after being disbuded. All you can do is to cut them. I noticed though that the older the buck gets the slower the scurs grow.