I was NOT wrong about Ginger being pregnant!! Babies arrived early this morning at about 1:00am. Ginger is a quiet kidder, and we didn't hear anything until the first baby cry! By the time I got to the barn, baby number two was on the ground, and making some noise too! Baby number three took a while to get here, and came out breech, but once I got hind feet out, the rest came easy! Babies are normal sized, which is a relief, because her kids last year were huge. Two doelings and one buckling!
Baby number one is the bottom brown kid, and a doeling.
Baby number two is in the middle, a buckling. I love black with grey tip coat! He looks like Pepper.
Baby number three is at the top, and another doeling!
All three of them got their mommy's white "hat", and none of them look like either parent! lol (unlike last year, with two girls just like momma!)
Babies were all snuggled down with Ginger when I checked them this morning, before I got the human kids off to school, so I'm headed back to bed for a nap. :)
She looked a lot darker under the red light last night, but she's a light red. :) Similar to a Rottweiler, but not *quite* as dark.
They are all so cute. I thought that little girl looked really dark! She reminds me of the mahogany on Rottweilers! One of my favs!
I've loaded pictures into an album here! http://nigeriandwarfgoats.ning.com/photo/albums/ginger-s-kids
Congrats!! Glad everything went great! They are cuties :0)
I'm taking a nap, but when I get up, and it's better daylight, I'll take more pictures. :) The doe on the top is all black with white spots, and a couple places near her rump that look like brother with the white tips/black undercoat that makes them look gray. The doeling on the bottom, is (from what I could tell in the bad light last night, and today) a beautiful dark brown on her back, with white and black spots.
Oh my goodness they are beautiful!
Please give each one and mommy a kiss from me.
Huge congratulations!! :) They're adorable. I am so thrilled for you!
Totally awesome! I am so happy for you. The pic is of course dim, but I can still tell that they really are colored so pretty!
Can't make out the exact color of that top doe but that pepper looking buck looks and sounds like the same color as my 2 week old Lilly's base coat is under her chocolate moonspots so I know what you mean. It is very attractive on the eye! I want to know if that little doe on bottom is really as rich mahogany colored as she looks or is it the lighting!
Happy Happy!