Hello everyone. At this point I am thinking of starting my own website. I am fairly computer literate but have never done anything like this before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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It's not required. If you use a blog or free web hosting site. The only thing is, say with blogger. You create your blog. The URL is http://isellgoats.blogspot.com and you start getting your site together. You create pages, and start posting. You start getting people on line sharing your links, or bookmarking your site. Then you decide you want to buy a domain name (which is just a URL with no extras like .blogspot in it) and now your site is www.isellgoats.com Great, EXCEPT that all your old links will not work anymore. SO. If you think you'll want to switch to a domain name, I personally say don't do a ton of work getting your site to read well in search engines and things like that, until you have your name.
Lyn Adams said:
Do you need to have a domain name to start your own web site ??
Rachel Whetzel said:
I was going to say a blog... on Blogger you can purchase a domain name for a year at $10.00!! Can't beat that.
No, it is not required, but it looks more professional and it's easier for people to remember. =) If you use key words it is good for search engines too...
I contacted the owner of the dam/sire of my does mother - she was so nice, she offered to get me any pictures I would like to have - I told her I had found them on her site - and I just wanted her ok to use and I would reference her site. I wanted to verify that she wouldnt mind. She said, oh no, I dont play that way, you are welcome to use any pics I have for reference photos. She was awesome.
PlayRite Farm said:
that is nice but you need to remember you have to get permission form the taker of the picture and possibly the present owner of the goat.. a huge hassel.. sometimes you can't find them anymore
Kare at Chaverah Farm said:
Yes, after my months of research, I used all the websites I visited to design mine. I thought of the ones that were very hepful and the ones that didn't have enough info and tried to make mine full of info about each goat. I still need to get some more up there since I haven't had the goats for very long, but it's a start...
Melissa Johnson said:
I looked both ways, didnt see the webs.com one - is it case sensitive? you know the one thing I love on sites, is images of dams and sires in the pedigree - I love to see a goats lineage - visually :)
lol I hope I didn't sound like I was targeting you in particular... Location is just one of the first things I look for... especially when ordering animals. I mean, I don't want to spend a ton of time looking over a site and oogling pretty goats if they are too far away to actually BUY one!! lol
Good point, Rachel. I think I have it, but now that you mentioned it, I will go and check =)
Rachel Whetzel said:
And don't forget your LOCATION!! I don't know if you have it on your site, but I can't tell you how many sites selling things don't say WHERE they are!! lol It's a pet peeve. lol
Kare at Chaverah Farm said:
Oops, I didn't mean that I use all of their pictures. Didn't mean to sound like that. I used the ideas, such as a website that describes the does in detail and has photos of sire, dam, udders vs a website that has only the dam and no information. However, any pictures I do have, I got permission to use. I used my experience as a person looking for a goat to see what others looking for a goat might want to see on a website. Sorry for the confusion. =)
And don't forget your LOCATION!! I don't know if you have it on your site, but I can't tell you how many sites selling things don't say WHERE they are!! lol It's a pet peeve. lol
Kare at Chaverah Farm said:
Oops, I didn't mean that I use all of their pictures. Didn't mean to sound like that. I used the ideas, such as a website that describes the does in detail and has photos of sire, dam, udders vs a website that has only the dam and no information. However, any pictures I do have, I got permission to use. I used my experience as a person looking for a goat to see what others looking for a goat might want to see on a website. Sorry for the confusion. =)
Oops, I didn't mean that I use all of their pictures. Didn't mean to sound like that. I used the ideas, such as a website that describes the does in detail and has photos of sire, dam, udders vs a website that has only the dam and no information. However, any pictures I do have, I got permission to use. I used my experience as a person looking for a goat to see what others looking for a goat might want to see on a website. Sorry for the confusion. =)
Lyn Adams said:
Rachel Whetzel said:
PlayRite Farm said:
lol I hope I didn't sound like I was targeting you in particular... Location is just one of the first things I look for... especially when ordering animals. I mean, I don't want to spend a ton of time looking over a site and oogling pretty goats if they are too far away to actually BUY one!! lol
Rachel Whetzel said:
And don't forget your LOCATION!! I don't know if you have it on your site, but I can't tell you how many sites selling things don't say WHERE they are!! lol It's a pet peeve. lol
Kare at Chaverah Farm said: