Sorry, folks, for this question but I am at work and don't have the time to go through our past discussions or would do that first.
Capri is due the 2nd, (Day 145) so this is six days early - she is quite wide. Babies were very active yesterday. I'm not sure about the ligaments but think they are much softer than yesterday; she seemed to have a slightly pinkish discharge this morning when I left for work. I stopped by on an errand three hours later and she still had the discharge. She, of course, has been extra loving and wanting to be with me all the time the last couple of days. However, other than that, I've not seen clear signs of impending labor which, for in my naive mind, would be her laying down and calling/yelling.
Is the discharge an indicator?
nice to discover I have nice neighbors like that too. ^^
Melissa Johnson said:
poor Mommy. ;(
Got to view the video this time! TOTALLY sounds like Ginger did. lol Ginger had triplets this time. :)
I totally understand your worry too, Glenna! With me, not knowing Ginger's due date for sure didn't help either... because then I was thinking, if she WASN'T pregnant, something was REALLY wrong with her... I mean. I was thinking of tumors in her belly (because she was SO HUGE, and displaying so many signs of being pregnant) and her labored breathing wasn't helping my imagination. lol
Thank you, Deborah. I thought it looked like a weird link but, because I have the password, I see everything anyway. Most of all, thank you for the additional reassurance that all is fine regarding that. Though I was certain that was what it is, I was still worried, most likely because of the problems others have had this year. Undoubtedly, because I know more now, I know to worry whereas last year I had them only a couple of weeks before kidding so just didn't have time to freak out. I am feeling so guilty for doing this to my sweet girls; Capri, especially, looks so miserable. Poor thing will stand there forever if I just rub her tummy; if she walks away, she will be right back within 30 seconds. Guess I am totally identifying with how I felt with my third son, August heat and a few days past due. That, and my imagination is going wild - I even wondered if they ate something horrid in the yard though I know there is nothing toxic out there. This morning, there are three does out there and all looks good; their human is calmer, much, but still feeling a bit guilty for all the attention to Capri when Summer is just a week behind her and deserves just as much attention but she doesn't like the tummy rubs. She is still my shy one but looks like she will be the best milker; I still cannot believe the size of her udder without ever having kidded before. I had her bred to Legend and now am wishing I bred her to Crazy also; both are good bucks, however.
Darth Vader is an excellent description! That is what I was thinking.<g>
I am very grateful to our wonderful people here. Tuesday or Wednesday, there will be photos of several kids hopping around and I will feel very silly for all this worry.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
I deleted your second link, Glenna, because it was a link to edit functions in YouTube. Your first link works fine now that you've changed the privacy settings.
From what I could see and hear, her breathing seems normal. I had a goat that sounded like Darth Vader the last week of her pregnancy whenever she laid down. She wound up having quads. As Rachel said, some of them just run out of room to breathe.
I used the wrong privacy setting. Thank you for the reassurance about your Ginger, Rachel.
Your video is private, so I couldn't watch it, but Ginger had VERY labored breathing for the last month or so of her gestation. It got worse a week or so before. If they feel anything like I did when I was pregnant, they've run out of room for deep, easy breaths!!
Glenna Rose said:
Okay, I decided (like I know anything!) that she may go until her due date. However, her breathing tonight is labored and faster than normal. I'm thinking this is because she is uncomfortable with only a few days left. It is less pronounced when she stands/walks. Summer is as well but not as much. They are both "belching" a lot. They are acting normal in all ways, even eating well. For someone that didn't worry last year, I am a mess this year! You must all think I am some kind of nut.
I took some video of her with the breathing sounds. The odd color is the heat lamp.
My guess is that you have just a few hours left. One tip, be sure to take notes so you know what to look for next year with her =) I wish I had done that with my does last year! Can't wait to hear!