Is it possible or even feasible (to make it easier) to inject a piece of fruit or food with the needle syringe of safeguard and then feed it to the goat? The only concern would be if any fruit enzymes might react with the dewormer, which I wouldn't think. Opinions???
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Also trish, re the copper and price: It's been my experience that even though I was buying "cheap" minerals, the amount of minerals my goats ate was more than when I paid for the higher priced (priced higher because it was better quality) minerals. At first, they ate a lot, but once their mineral needs were being met, they stopped eating so much, and the cost/use rates started averaging out. In the end, they eat less of the more spendy minerals, and I end up paying "about" the same price as I was for the less complete minerals. Once you add in the benefits of copper and minerals being balanced in your goats (less $ spent on worming, less breeding complications, higher "litter" numbers, better milk production) paying that bit more makes a lot of good sense.
Just because you can mix it in the food doesn't mean the goats are going to eat it. He was simply answering the medical question. And no, it doesn't matter how you give it to them orally. If you're worried about wasting the medicine, I'd say odds are MUCH better than you'll waste it by mixing it into something rather than if you simply drench them. If you want to use a med that is in the feed, they do sell those -- but fair warning, not all goats will eat them either. It's been discussed on here before, if you look in the archives.
I emailed and posted the question. Here is the response:
Hello Patricia,
The amount to use is 1cc per 10 lbs. for each goat. You can give directly in mouth or mix in any food of your choice.
Hope this helps.
Dr. Laird Laurence
Hill Country Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
P. O. BOX 1064
2257 Hwy 16 South
Fredericksburg TX 78624
Fax: 830-997-5646
That could be. I know on here there are so many who use Sweet Lix meat maker, and I can't get that anywhere I've ever looked up here.
The TSC's I've been in in MN carry a lot of Mana Pro stuff.
Trish said:
I was there yesterday and didn't see Manna Pro.. maybe it's just your area :-(
Patty Meyer said:
I've gotten Mama Pro minerals at TSC before. They have chelated copper. I've been using them for two years now, and they're doing great.
The copper is EXTREMELY important! TSC should carry a goat mineral in a small bag that is about $10 maybe $12, I think by Dumor! May have spelled that wrong but that's close. Maybe Dumar. Not sure cause I don't use those but I know they carry that one at my TSC and I am pretty sure it has the copper because it is for goats.
That may seem expensive but they don't eat all that much. They will probably eat more to start with until they get their copper levels up but after that they won't eat as much. I buy bags that are about 25 lbs. (for 17 goats) and they last for months! The important thing is that they DO NEED copper and with out it they could suffer a deficiency and that can be VERY serious. So keep looking and I hope you can find one soon!
I'm trying to get the courage to try this LOL... I hope that they don't suffer any kind of copper deficiency because of the minerals I got at Tractor supply .... I can't find it any minerals w/copper that isn't a small fortune.
Their goats drink lemonade? :/ Never heard of that one before!
Don't be nervous! It is not a big deal. If they knock it out of your hand, just try again. I stand over them with one leg on each side of their shoulders and squeeze, so they can't run off. I open the mouth with my left hand, stick the syringe in the mouth with my right hand, and squirt.
Trish said:
Oh and Deborah I just built a PVC feeder to put the minerals in ... turned out nice. I went to tractor supply, but their goat minerals don't have copper.. :-(