
  • Our goats like it. When we made our jackolantern this year we saved the pumpkin guts for them and they gobbled it up! Some cared more than others. I just put the pumpkin out there for them and at first they were all over it but now the novelty has worn out, I suspect they'll eventually strip it down quite a bit though.

  • My goats have been eating a lot of pumpkins.  I chop them up and add in the pulp and seeds too.  I'm hoping the seeds  really do help with the worms.  I thought, since pumpkin seeds are supposed to be a natural dewormer, I'd go ahead and feed all the squash seeds as well just in case they had the same effect.  My goats love the pumpkin, seeds, and pulp, and the squash seeds and pulp, and even the extra summer squash went right to the goats and they ate it all up.  Today I'm cooking up 4 large pumpkins for the freezer, and will be separating the seeds out to freeze as well.  I'm going to feed them before kidding to see if it will help with the parasite load.

    The gal I bought my goats from grows tons of pumpkins just for the goats every year, for the deworming benefit.

  • I was afraid the cabbage would be a problem. I know they loved the beans and peas and they ate sunflowers.
  • They all ate the seeds. Some liked them a lot and some did not.
  • I've been giving my chickens pumpkins I got from Kroger for free.  After reading this post I decided to see if my goats would eat them.  Needless to say, they sucked them down, insides and all!!

  • Pumpkin seeds are supposed to be an natural dewormer. I know a woman who gets a bunch of pumpkins for her sheep every year, and they all wind up with orange lips! It's really cute!

  • I would be careful with the cabbage... as gassy as it makes humans, I could see it causing some rumen issues. Start with small portions. They "can" eat most any vegi that we people do... the question is WILL they? lol Mine won't touch summer squash, for example. I like Margaret's idea that the pumpkin variety might make a difference!

  • I didn't know they could eat peppers.  Can they eat cabbage?

  • You know the difference could even have something to do with what types of pumpkins they are, like most things there really are a lot of types and they probably taste pretty different, but as we have seen with other things some just seem to like certain things that others don't want. My Marley loves her peppers, even jalapenos. 

  • Thanks. Its dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home now so they stay in the barn.  We have a lot of animals around in the fall ( something growled at me the other morning when I was doing chores).  This will give them something to do.

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