For those of you who are not aware of the heartache that is happening at Antiquity Oaks, please be sure to send prayers for Deborah and her sweet animals. You can read on her blog what is happening. This is absolutely heartbreaking.
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I brought home Windy the mini la mancha and Katy the llama and her cria Oscar yesterday. Katy still has very little strength in her back end, so we have to lift her up twice a day for about 20 minutes each time so that she will hopefully get more strength in her back end eventually. Boy, is that fun!
Windy is still being treated. The poor girl has had so many needles stuck in her that she runs at the site of humans ... although her running is still a little bit in circles. She even ran when I entered her pen yesterday at the vet clinic and after we brought her home. Even though I gave her an injection yesterday, I'm happy to say that she didn't run away today.
Both still have a long road ahead of them.
My prayers are with you and hope that there is a recovery!
I am so sorry you have been going through such heartbreaking difficulties.
Hugs, Deborah... I hope that the end is in sight.
Deborah, We are hopeful for your little girl recovering strong and are so sorry for the difficult time and sorrow you've had. May Thanksgiving day be full of a new level of recovery gained for Windy! Wishing you and your family and all of us family time shared with abundant appreciation for all the many blessings we have.
Sandra Hess, CPM
Heartland Midwifery
Fresno, Ohio
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I had already given the go-ahead to euthanize the two does, but when they went to put down Windy, she had made such a dramatic improvement, they felt they should call me and let me know before proceeding. Many of her neurological symptoms are almost gone!!! I told them to NOT go forward with the euthanasia and to continue treating her.
I've posted all the details of my day so far on my blog just now, if you want to know how it all played out. It sure has been a roller coaster!
So, so sorry about this. I wish there were words that could be said that would make it better. We will be keeping all of you in prayer.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about this! My own goat mentor had a buck who contracted meningeal about two years ago, but he survived. I believe they used high doses on antibiotics. She said he doesn't seem to be able to breed, but he is alive, so perhaps there is hope for your goats. I certainly hope and pray that they can recover! Hugs and more hugs.
Horrible situation. I'm so sorry you are going through this & having to make some tough decisions. Praying for peace & comfort while you're going through this tough time.
I've been through this, my heart goes out to them.