UPDATE: Panzy Not Bouncing Back After Hard Kidding

I am a bit concerned yet over Panzy's condition after her rough kidding 8 days ago.  She's the doe who had the dead kid that was very hard to get out of her.  She started out on penicillin day 1 PM through day 4 AM.  Her temp had normally been about 102.2 and had gone up to 103.8 by day 4 PM.  I switched to Bio-Mycin 200 on day 4 PM.  Used that at 1.5 cc once a day for 5 days.  Last dose was last night.  Tonight her temp was 103.1, so that seems fine I think.  However, she's still not eating as well as I wish she was.  She sort of nibbles at her hay, but doesn't eat as much as she should.  She won't eat grain hardly at all.  She will eat small treats, like some pine needles, a stalk of cellery, some kale or parsley.  She will eat beet pulp, soybean hulls and kelp.  I've been putting quite a few choices in front of her every day.  I give her a dish pan with a little pile of mixed grains (barley, oats, corn, wheat), a pile of horse pellets, a pile of BOSS, a pile of kelp and a pile of beet pulp and soybean hulls.  She eats only the beet pulp and soybean hulls and the kelp.  She eats a very small amount of alfalfa and a bit more grass hay, but not much.

She gets a drench of probios every morning, and minerals and baking soda free choice.

What do you think?  Is she doing ok?  The vet said after I'd used the bio-mycin for 5 days (the maximum possible), to use the Pro Pen G for a few more days so she has 10 days of antibiotics.  I'm not sure about doing that.  Maybe she's had enough??  Any thoughts?

She seems to be getting some energy back, but not really the normal attitude yet.

UPDATE:  3/19/13  12:00 PM  It has now been over 64 hours since Panzy's last dose of any antibiotic.  The Naxcel should come it today by 3:00.  However, I don't know if we need it now.  Panzy seems to have turned a corner, though I'm second guessing myself as I've never dealt with this before.  She is standing/walking a lot more, and eating more hay than she was before.  Not so much the grain yet, but more interested than yesterday.  She also ate kale, celery and carrots today, with great delight!  Her temp is now 102.9, so less than it was when she finished her antibiotics.  There is no discharge or odor.  She still didn't fight me taking her temp as much as she would have before.  What do you think?  Would you still give the naxcel for five days, wait and see, what??? 

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  • I didnt realize this wouldn't show up at the top when I updated Panzy's condition.  So, BUMPING it up there! ;)

  • Yikes! That's expensive! I am quite lucky to have U of I close enough to use (even if it is 2 hours away) because they are very inexpensive, in addition to being open 24 hours a day. They charge their cost for drugs, so a shot of Excede cost me a little over $2. Glad to hear you found an affordable alternative!

  • Thanks, Kelsie! :)

    I just re read my statement about finally running into a vet that cares, and I just have to clarify, my local vet isn't one that I'm talking about.  She's been so great, going out of her comfort zone to help Panzy, and learning new things for us. :)  

  • Wow Patty sorry to hear you have been having such a rough week...But glad you found a friendly knowledgeable ear to turn to..

  • That would be very scary in a blizzard! I would not want to do that either!

  • Thanks, ladies!  It's so nice to be able to share the joys and trials of owning and caring for these awesome little goats with others who understand it all. :)  I thought that was funny about the cheerios, but he was so nice and reassuring!  It was really great to finally run into a vet who seemed to genuinely care about the animals in question, and NOT only about whether or not I was a "loyal customer" of theirs already.  I wish I lived closer to that clinic.  It's 3 hours away from me.  LOL! I wish I could show you what I would be driving through to get there!  Honestly, it's 3 hours of the most desolate, forested area ever.  No, zero, none at all department stores or fast food restaurants.  Basically nothing at all except the occasional house for three hours.  I LOVE that drive on a good day, but in a blizzard, not so much! :)

  • Great! And good girl to keeping digging around! Hope it all goes well and I can certainly understand about the $180, wow! Thanks for the Cheerios info. Now if any of us get in a pickle, with a goat that won't eat ANYTHING. We can try Cheerios!

  • I'm in the same boat! :) At least our goats "work" to contribute... what with their milk and all. :)

    Patty Meyer said:

    Oh, I know!  I don't want to give up on her at all!  Sometimes it's so hard to balance the needs of everyone.  My husband is a great guy, and he helps me a lot with things, but the goats are mine.  I always feel bad when they require a lot of extra money, since he's the one out making that money.  I feel there's a line I need to not cross as far as spending $ on the goats, for everyone else's sake.  It's hard to know where that line is sometimes!

  • Oh, I know!  I don't want to give up on her at all!  Sometimes it's so hard to balance the needs of everyone.  My husband is a great guy, and he helps me a lot with things, but the goats are mine.  I always feel bad when they require a lot of extra money, since he's the one out making that money.  I feel there's a line I need to not cross as far as spending $ on the goats, for everyone else's sake.  It's hard to know where that line is sometimes!

  • That's SUCH a relief for you!! Good for you, not giving up too soon! :)

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